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Devoted Leaders…

In both English and Greek definitions, the word devoted has similarities, but there is a powerful difference.

The English speaks of love and loyalty, but the Greek involves “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

Spiritually, devoted leaders insist on staying close to the following.

People: They learn the needs of the people and help guide them to heaven.
Plan: The plan is the map. Leaders must not deviate from it, or the goal is unreachable.
Lord: Leaders know the true source of their strength is not themselves, but the Lord.

Through a leader’s devotion, a foundation is laid to great achievement.

A Leader’s Eye…

What do we look for in others?

If we look for the worst, we find it quickly. The same is true when we look for the best.

Although the author is unknown, it has been said, “If you want to get the best out of someone – you must look for the best that is in them.”

How will we answer the question above? 

Consider two key thoughts. 

Humility. The way we look at ourselves affects the way we look at others.

Compassion. When the distress of others touches our heart to act with mercy, we see through the eyes of Jesus.

In The Middle…

We’ve heard the phrase “caught between a rock and a hard place.” Paul expressed this thought to the church at Philippi. He felt torn between going to be with the Lord and remaining in the flesh to help these Christians.

There are those who are caught in the middle between two friends.
There are children who are born in the middle between two siblings.
There are Christians who religiously walk in the middle of the road.

However, Paul wasn’t, nor can leaders today, be in the middle of the road regarding God’s word. Leaders need dedication and confidence to move others from where they are to where they need to go.

Happy Thanksgiving

From all of us at The Leadership Project
Happy Thanksgiving.
We are thankful for all you do to make our work successful.

Stretching Our Leadership…

The value of stretching cannot be overstated. Stretching aids the overall recovery of muscles used in exercise or work.

By definition, stretching is the ability to make longer and wider without tearing or breaking. 

The best approach is to stretch a little at a time, hold for a few seconds, and relax. Repetition allows for the development of flexibility and relief.

When leaders stretch with regards to vision, goals, and the development of a team, the results bring recovery, growth, strength, and flexibility. Repeating the process increases the benefit.

Stretching is one way to develop quality leaders.

Proficient Leaders…

On the surface, we would assume if someone is in a leadership position, they would naturally be proficient. Sadly, this is not always the case.

Leaders need to know their job. Imagine the power of a leader who knows his job responsibilities and allows others to do their job.

Leaders also need to be familiar with the job responsibilities of others. When leaders know the job responsibilities of others and provide accountability, progress is eminent.

From a spiritual perspective, think of sheep with a good shepherd. When everyone knows their role and works to fulfill it, the church functions accordingly.

Big-Thinking Leaders…

Leaders must not think small. Leaders must think big!

William Arthur Ward once said, “Nothing limits achievement like small thinking. Nothing equals possibilities like unleashed thinking.”

Small thinking overlooks opportunities.
Small thinking shackles the abilities of others.
Small thinking creates an “impossibility” mindset.
Small thinking places limitations on God.

If the church is to see the power of God at work through her to accomplish His will, we must stop thinking small. God needs leaders who think and plan big, work incessantly, and trust God to empower and deliver.

Think Souls!

Styles of Leadership…

Styles of leadership are numerous, one of which is transformational leadership. The idea is leadership that transforms the people around them, shaping the direction of the future.

Transformational leadership characterizes leaders who have integrity and exemplify consistency in their example. They encourage, support, and help followers look beyond their own self-interests and focus on the good of the team.

Of all leadership styles, this one connects to the heart of spiritual leadership.

Are we transforming others to live closer to God?
Are we striving to transform the lives of others by the character we demonstrate?

Cultivating Leadership…

When we cultivate something, we “acquire or develop, to win the favor of, prepare and use.” The very definition is powerful. When we consider leadership we need to apply cultivation.

Relationships must be cultivated.
Trust must be cultivated.
Vision must be cultivated.

These three areas are only the beginning.

Leaders must also understand the need to cultivate leadership. Acquiring and preparing others to lead determines the success of our leadership.

Cultivate leaders by mentoring.
Cultivate leaders by leaving a legacy.

Cultivating leadership requires action.

The Cycle of Leadership…

A good friend of mine says leaders must constantly “assess, adjust, improve, make mistakes and own them.

We could describe this as the cycle of leadership. The principle shows that leaders know who they are and always seek improvement.

One of the ways to accomplish this is by asking difficult questions.

Do we really want to be a leader?
What is the motivation behind our desire to lead?
Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifices to lead effectively?
Will we commit ourselves to the task of continually developing our abilities to lead?

These provide a foundation to help us know who we are and improve our approach to leadership.