Category: Uncategorized

Lead, Leader, Leadership…

“Lead is a verb, leader is a noun, and leadership is both.” Not sure who to credit with this thought, but it speaks volumes.

Leadership involves both the person and action.
Leadership speaks to both who we are and what we do.
Leadership requires an effort to develop both the individual and method.
Leadership drives home the necessity of personality and character.

We must keep in mind the development process of making great spiritual leaders. The constant dedication to the act of molding one’s ability to lead helps us become the leadership of God.

The Unexpected Event…

Most everyone experiences unexpected events that keep us from fulfilling our expectations.

Disappointment generally overshadows any joy we previously possessed. What can help us prepare for these times?

Expected the unexpected.We know the unexpected happens, so expect it.
Never go it alone.When these events occur, seek help from others.
Prepare a back up plan…always.The key is to prepare. Have a plan ready!
Trust in a positive result.When we put it, and leave it, in God’s hands, good will come.

It can be a hard lesson, but when learned, rarely are we surprised.

Motivating Leaders…

Consider three questions:

What motivates us to lead? Leaders experience discouraged and discontent. When this happens, a fire-lighter is needed, someone or something to motivate us.

How can we motivate followers? Leaders need a vision built on possibility thinking. Morale builds when impossibilities fade.

What keeps followers motivated? Establish short-term goals that strengthen morale and focus followers on achieving long-term goals.

Leaders need to develop plans that keep the fires lit. We must know how to keep ourselves and others motivated, both now and for the future.

An Update in Leadership…

Owning a smart phone presents several challenges, especially when it comes to scheduled updates, which occur frequently. We learn several thoughts:

The speed of change.Technology is changing at immeasurable speeds.
Public demands.Anytime a new tool is released, the public puts it to the tests.
Competition.Everyone must bring their “A game” to succeed.

Spiritual leadership is called to lead people with this influence. Our culture is constantly changing, problems put our leadership to the test, and Satan competes for the souls of humanity. The task before us is not easy.

Perhaps we need a leadership update. Stay tuned for more.

The Leadership Project

If you read this blog, chances are you have an interest in the critical need for leadership development in the home, world, and church.

We now have a website designed to help in each of these areas. We invite you to visit our website and consider the resources provided, including more than 70 lessons designed for congregations to provide training in leadership.

If we can help in any way, please let us know. The website address is Thank you for caring about the present and future of leadership.

Drafting or Leading?

Jon Acuff learned the following lesson from his father who had taken up cycling; “It’s easier to draft than it is to lead, but when you lead, you help somebody else go faster than they ever could have on their own.”

It might be easier to draft, coasting along without much struggle. However, it does not bring the change needed for the spiritual success of others or ourselves.

Leadership provides a foundation for the future success of everyone and it empowers others to achieve greater work without them.

Leadership makes it possible for those who cannot or will not step up and change the future.


Leadership Objective…

One word, but not just any word, especially when it comes to leadership.

What is the objective?
Is the objective clearly defined?
Has the objective been communicated to everyone on the team?

Leaders carry the responsibility to clearly define the role and responsibilities of each individual involved in achieving the objective. They must understand their role and responsibility in order to make decisions connected to the objective.

Without clear communication of responsibilities and expectations, suspicion is created. Motives are called into question. The result is distrust.

It may be one word, but the objective touches the whole of the work.

Leadership and Motivation…

Motivating others to act or move in a specific direction can be difficult, and defining motivation is tricky.

When exactly do we mean when we say someone is unmotivated?
Do people know what they are supposed to do?
Do they know how to achieve the task?
When was the last time we reminded them?
Have we made it clear why this is valuable?
Are there regular times of evaluation?

Successful motivation appeals to self-interests. When we carefully establish our approach, we begin to see changes in those we want to motivate.

Confident Leadership…

The more faithful the leader, the greater the trust developed. The result is confidence.

Paul was confident in his Savior. John spoke of the confidence we have in prayer. The common thread in both thoughts is faith.

Our confidence is built on faith.

With faith in the power of God, impossibility is eliminated.
With faith in the working of God, prayers are answered.
With faith in the power of God working in us, we can change the world.

I pray our leadership possesses the confidence God intended for a people of faith.


Where trust exists, growth, development, and lower costs result.

When we trust someone, everything runs more clearly, smoothly, and quickly. However, when trust is not a part of the relationship, there are challenges to what is said and done by everyone.

One of our primary goals in leadership is to establish relationships built on trust.

Trust increases the amount of work accomplished.
Trust decreases the expenses of the overall task.
Trust builds comfort and confidence.
Trust changes everything.

Take time to read Stephen Covey’s book, The Speed of Trust.