A Visionary Moment…
Our vision of the future rests on the foundation of our faith in the Almighty God.
At the same time, a visionary leads with the future in mind. From a spiritual perspective, nothing is more important than what the eternal future holds for Christians.
However, on a more pragmatic level, leaders need to consider what the future of their leadership looks like.
Will the future hold growth and development for the church or will it be stagnant?
Will the future be a place where vision points to a stronger or declining leadership?
Will the future exist because of the visionary ability of our leadership?
Asking questions can be unending, yet in the end, we must consider the necessity of planning today to ensure the future of growth and stronger leadership.
The future of leadership must be built on prayer.
Leaders should prepare for the future with God’s word as a guide.
Tomorrow’s leaders must be encouraged today in order to be ready.
What does the future look like? Following these three steps makes the future look pretty bright.