Tag: Attitude

Leading With Attitude

The attitude of a leader makes the difference.

A negative, self-centered, sadistic, apathetic, and indifferent attitude is destructive. At the same time, a positive, self-less, compassionate, and thoughtful attitude is powerful.

I once heard the question asked, “Is your attitude worth catching?

What can we do to improve our attitude?

1) We need to be careful what we allow into our mind.
2) Develop positive affirmations and write them down.
3) Avoid emotional “vampires” who tend to suck the joy out of any good situation.
4) Set and achieve daily goals.
5) Act like a “maniac.” MaryAnn Troiani says “happy people are maniacs on a mission.”

The 110% Leader

In a world obsessed with “talent,” “marketing,” and “turning a buck,” we often see character and attitude overlooked in order to exploit someone’s talent for the sake of making money.

Will Smith once said, “If you’re not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I’d rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%.”

Leadership experience has proven that a person who is willing to work hard, even though not as gifted, will outperform a person who is exceptionally gifted, but unwilling to work hard.

A New Mindset

Leading others in the cause of Christ requires us to consider the way Paul approached the church in Philippi. In order for the church to have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5), they need to follow the example of Christ. Notice what Paul identifies.

1) We need to put the gospel of our Lord above ourselves.
2) We need to put our brothers and sisters above ourselves.
3) We need to put Christ above ourselves.

How powerful would the influence of the church be today, if we all possessed this attitude and practiced this mindset with each other?

Using Time Wisely

Time is the most valuable commodity available, and our greatest challenge is learning how to use it effectively.

Time management is an area often talked about, but rarely do we find those who have a handle on good time management tools.

A few years ago, Paul Myers shared these timely tips.

Get a real calendar and use it. Establish deadlines and work to meet them.
Finish something everyday.
Do not allow electronics to control the time.
Start early. An extra hour in the morning adds up.

Attitude is the difference maker when managing our time. Paul, thank you for the reminder.

Leadership Potential…

Potential involves the possibility of something occurring if the right conditions or circumstances are in place as well as the capacity of someone to become or develop into something in the future.

How do leaders determine someone’s potential?

Three basic areas exist.

1) Actions. What has been done in the past lays a foundation for the future.
2) Abilities. No one can grow beyond their abilities, but they can change with training and practice.
3) Attitude. When a positive attitude exists, along with determination, potential is unlimited.

When leaders recognize potential, they can set greater goals for the future.

Seeking the Mind of Christ…

Biblical leaders seek the mind of Christ.

Paul’s letter to Philippi expresses a number of key thoughts in relationship to the mind of Christ.

A Christlike motive, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.”
A foundational attitude, “With humility of mind.”
A concluding activity, “Regard others as more important than yourselves.”

These three thoughts help us understand what Paul meant by the mind of Christ that must be emulated by all Christians. However, understanding the mind of Christ must be coupled with seeking the mind of Christ.

Biblical leaders are dedicated to understanding the mind of Christ and following His example.

An In Sync Leadership…

Why is it so important to write about leaders who are “in sync”?

The idea indicates something works well together. There is harmony or agreement. We do not have to look far to understand why leaders need this quality.

How can we determine when we are in sync?

1) When leaders and followers work to reach a common goal, they are in sync.

2) When each understands the objectives and harmony is demonstrated, they are in sync.

3) When love for one another exists, they are in sync.

Action, coupled with the right attitude and motives, will always provide the basis for a leadership that is in sync.