Tag: Challenge

Refuse to Give Up

Numerous people speak about persistence, perseverance, and the stick-to-itive mindset connected to success.

The ability to never quit, even in the face of challenge, difficulty, or hardship is rare and needed in the home, world, and church.

My oldest son says, “It’s amazing what happens when you REFUSE to give up. Failure eventually gives up on you.”

Of all people, leaders must possess that quality of grit that eliminates the possibility of failure.

Developing a fighting spirit in face of adversity will strengthen our leadership and encourage others to address their own challenges with the same vim and vigor.

Changing the Future of Leadership…

Leaders will always face attacks from an enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Herein lies the challenge. These situations cause godly leaders to step down and they often prevent others from stepping up. What can we do to change the direction?

Pray with and for these leaders.
Always speak well of leadership.
Build them up publicly.
When problems arise, speak to them privately.
Encourage others to lead.
Prepare future leaders among the young…now!

Good leadership does not happen by accident. We must work today to change the future.

Active Leadership…

“Leaders aren’t built from reading a book––they are built from the challenge of putting content into action.” Mac Lake

We’ve all learned a great deal from reading books that discuss every aspect of leadership and leadership development. Mac’s book involves the evidence of such.

The point he makes here is that the true building of a leader occurs when the information learned from a book is actually put into practice. 

One of the greatest challenges leaders face is knowing how to convert knowledge into action, but when they do, leadership abounds.

A Leadership Challenge…

Challenges are defined as tasks or situations that test someone’s abilities.

There are two primary thoughts for leaders.

1) Leaders must challenge themselves to find ways that test their abilities and strengthen their character.

2) Leaders must challenge others by presenting tasks or situations that produce growth in the abilities of followers. 

People arise to what is expected of them. Experience has proven that when leaders provide encouragement and a level of expectation, followers come through. 

We must learn how to develop the discipline to strengthen our own leadership and that of followers to achieve growth in the church.

Brave Leadership…

“Be brave.” We’ve all heard it, but why is it so challenging and difficult? Perhaps it’s because we tend to believe that being brave is a quality to develop or possess.

Being brave, like courage, is a decision to act at the moment it is needed.

Most leaders do not consider themselves to possess the quality of bravery. Rather, in those moments when they needed to be brave, they demonstrated it.

Interestingly enough, many who claim to be brave fail to demonstrate what is needed when the moment arises. The church must have leaders who recognize the moment it is needed and act bravely now.

The Design of Leadership…

What is our leadership designed to do? 

We long to remain safe. We avoid challenges, controversies, and confrontations. However, remaining safe is not what leadership is designed to do. 

We are designed to lead. We often learn about those who are qualified, but unwilling to step up and take responsibility. Why? Because they feel safe where they are.

The Lord’s church needs those who will step up regardless of the challenge, controversy or confrontation.

We must not keep our ship safely in the harbor. This is not what we were designed to do. Rise up and lead!

Our God has called us to the greatest task on earth.


A recent article by Patrick Leddin identified how smart leaders listen to three voices: the voice of truth, the voice of encouragement, and the voice of challenge.

A couple of highlights deserve our attention.

The voice of truth represents an environment created by a leader that allows others to voice truth openly and honestly.

The voice of encouragement provides a proper perspective when life seems out of control. Without negating the seriousness of the situation, they encourage.

The voice of challenge appears when an environment welcomes differences. If everyone agrees, the right people may not be on the team.

Take time to read the article and consider what voices we listen to as leaders.

Directionally Challenged Leaders…

The problem? “I have no idea where I am going.”

A directionally challenged leader will always struggle. If we do not know where we are going, how can we lead anyone there? 

When spiritual leaders are directionally challenged, we have an even greater problem. 

What can we do?

Set smart goals. Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Look to the finish line. Distractions abound and we can easily get off course. Focus on a goal.

Trust in the Word. Amidst the numerous voices vying to be heard, one is constant. Listen to it!

Be open to learn. Never stop learning and being open to learn.

Knowing where we are going eliminates most challenges.