Tag: Change

Do We Need To Change?

We often hear, “Change is not always good, but it is not always bad either.”

While reading quotes from Jack Welch, one struck a cord, “If the rate of change inside an organization is less than the rate of change outside the organization…their end is in sight.”

Let’s clarify, this is not about changing the message. The message never changes. However, methodology must change. If not, what we’ve experienced in recent years will continue.

Leaders must communicate the need for change and how to implement it timely. They must also ensure that the change inside keeps up appropriately with the change outside.

Doing so prevents the end and provides success.

Apathy and Indifference…

Has apathy and indifference robbed us of our faith?

Today’s news is old by tomorrow and forgotten the day after. We are bombarded with change, and these changes occur so quickly there is no accurate measurement of time to gauge it. 

We are so easily and quickly bored with the events that come and go that it doesn’t matter any more, nor do we care. 

Spiritually, we are not keeping up with these changes. Therefore, have apathy and indifference robbed us of our fire?

Leaders must guard against both. 

When we care about the people and events around us, we work to protect them from spiritual tragedy. Let us rise up!

Improving our Leadership…

Drastic changes have occurred in the weather recently. While meteorologists may not always get the forecast right, as technology improves so does the accuracy of their predictions.

The same is true in leadership. There are tools available that improve our ability to lead.

Are we learning to use these tools correctly? 
How are we using them to improve our leadership?
Do we make excuses because we lack the desire to use them?

One day we will give an account for all that God has entrusted to us. We cannot excuse ourselves by thinking we did not want to learn how to use the tools He provided.

Leaders Who Learn…

The truly successful managers and leaders of the next century will be determined not by what they know but by how fast they can learn! ~ Strategy & Business

The nature and speed of change in our world should not deter us from pursuing effective leadership.

We should not become discouraged when making decisions.

Also, we must avoid dwelling in the past, frustrated by technology, and give up.

We should be motivated to learn and learn quickly.

Our purpose must be driven by this desire, because learning helps us discover greater ways to influence others for Christ.

Heart of Leaders…

Do we have the heart for leadership? Our leadership is about influence, passion, character, vision and much more. If we have the heart for leadership we do what is necessary to prepare ourselves in each area to grow and develop appropriately.

Do we have the heart for people? Good leadership involves people and no two people are alike. Having a heart for people means being a part of their lives and being transparent with our own. Connecting with people raises leadership to incredible heights and makes an eternal difference.

Not everyone has the heart for it. However, those who have a heart for leadership change the future.