Tag: Children

Measuring our Leadership…

One thing about leadership, everyone is watching. Children, spouses, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and the world. They are all watching. 

Andrew Carnegie once said, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

People listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and measure. How does our leadership measure up? 

God measured the leaders of His people to show them how they did not measure up to the standard He had given them. 

If God were measuring our leadership, how would we measure up?

While others are watching, God also watches. Will we measure up?

Leading With The Future In View…

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make? Their friends? Their work ethic? 

Our church? The confidence of the church? Their hope? The promise of eternity? 

Our neighbors? Who they turn to during trials? Their spiritual questions? How they see Jesus?

Our friends? Their spiritual focus? Their approach to relationships? When they face temptation? 

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles? Their character? Their home-life? 

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we lead.

Who Leads?

At a very early age, children learn how to manipulate (for a lack of better words) situations within their family. They learn how to get what they want or need.

The question for parents is, Who is really leading who?

We know parents are responsible for leading their children, but in many situations children lead their parents.

We often see the same within the church.

Leaders often allow followers to do the leading. Why? Leaders may be afraid someone will be offended. It may be they lack the knowledge to address the situation appropriate. Perhaps they do not understand their role.

We could speculate all day, but leaders must approach this God given task with the earnest desire to lead, and lead as God has directed.


Children tend to ask the most difficult question…why? They want to know the reason behind what we say and do.

Jesus asked several questions beginning with why.

Why are you worried?
Why are you afraid?
Why are you testing Me?
Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

We also need to think about it in relationship to leading.

Why are leaders needed?
Why should we lead?
Why are we making this decision?
Why are we making it at this time?


We could resolve many issues simply by answering the question…why?

Creative Imagination…

Children have amazing imaginations, pretending to be Belle dancing with the Beast or shooting a web as Spider Man. It is refreshing.

While I do not promote living in a fantasy world, doesn’t leadership need a little imagination?

Imagination is about creative power. We need creative power to provide a focus on what can happen when we believe. When leaders create that kind of vision, people follow. 

How do we know it works? Look around, it happens everyday. This is the power of leadership!

We can learn from children by spending time in a world built by their creative power. Their ability to see what is unseen, believe the impossible, act it out in their minds, and speak with incredible creativity might spark a little life into our leadership.

Constant Leadership…

Constant means remaining the same over an extended period of time.

Children need parents who provide an example and instruction for how to live that is constant.

Employees need direction that is constant for future growth and development.

The implication for spiritual leadership is the same. Why? Because God is constant. His word does not change. He does not change.

Since God is such a constant for life, our efforts must be to develop the qualities needed to demonstrate a constant for others.

If there was ever a need within the church for the world to see, it would be something constant.

The Greatest Choice…

Most choices in life have little or no affect on others, but a few choices consequentially do. Where we live, who we marry, children, and raising children are a few examples.

The greatest choice, however, is connected to our relationship with God. In order to take a step in the right direction as leaders, we need to make choices that will help others find the path to eternal life. 

We share good news for overcoming the past. We give confidence for today. We provide hope for a better tomorrow. 

People seek someone to lead them in the right direction. Let us step up to the challenge and lead for the cause of our Lord.

Privileged Leadership…

We are all aware of the challenges of racism and the problems resulting from such. Apart from the fact it is Biblically wrong and sinful, there are a number of elements that make it socially wrong also. 

However, true privilege today is spiritually twofold. 

The first is the privilege God has given us to be His children, regardless of race.

Second, we find privilege in the opportunity given to lead, again, regardless of race.

While many think there is privilege related to the color of one’s skin, let us focus on the responsibility we have because of the true spiritual privilege given each of us.

Leadership of Children…

Observing children raises an interesting question: “Who really leads who?”

While we might like to think  parents have a powerful influence in the development of these little lives as they grow. However, it is interesting how children lead in their own right.

They know how to get everyone’s attention, and quickly.
They know how to follow.
They know they must learn how to work together with others.
They know the value of love and giving it unconditionally.
They know that unsolicited hugs and good manners usually get them what they want.

Think about leadership. Perhaps observing children can help us all improve in our ability to lead.