Tag: Christians

Salt and Light

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth….you are the light of the world.”

Salt and light make a difference when present. The analogy for Christians indicates that our influence should make a difference for good.

Outside of the Gospels, the word salt is used only twice and both times (Col. 4:6; Jas. 3:12) it directly speaks to the influence of our words.

The use of light addresses our conduct (Mt. 5:16). Peter spoke about the type of conduct that contributes to the salvation of others (1 Pe. 2:12).

Let us use our influence (words and conduct) to lead others to Him.

Developing Leaders

If there was one word leaders need to understand for the success of the church, it would be develop.

The goal of teaching was to present every person mature in Christ. God gave gifts to various individuals for the purposing of helping the church develop, achieving unity and maturity in the faith.

Developing faith and relationship with God is the vital responsibility of leadership.

We must lead others to a greater love and understanding of His word.
We must assist Christians in using their God given abilities in His service.
We must encourage the expression of God’s grace toward others.

Leadership is about development. Let’s get started.

Perceptive Leaders

Leaders are aware how important perception is to their leadership. The perception of followers concerning the words and activities of leaders is vital to the credibility and confidence placed in leadership.

The idea extends to a leader’s insight of individuals, situations, and plans.

Consider the impact of a perceptive leader that has and shows good judgment. Their discernment is exemplified as credible and perceptive.

A perceptive leader is valuable in any organization and this is certainly true when applying scripture to the development of the church and our lives as Christians.

Think For A Moment

Solomon wrote, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Pro. 23:7). The way we think has the power to define us and our character.

A New Testament parallel comes from Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi.

Throughout the letter, Paul speaks of standing firm with one mind, being of the same mind, having the mind of Christ, and then he tells us to think on the right things.

And they are…true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, things of good repute, excellence, and anything worthy of praise.

Imagine the attraction to the outside world when the mental focus of Christians is on these areas.

A Winning Combination

Paul identifies the need for Christians to have the same mind that was in Christ (Phi. 2:5), but what is that mind?
Notice the phrases that characterize the mind Paul wants all Christians to possess.

1) Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.
2) With humility regard others as more important than yourself.
3) Do not look out for your own interests.
4) Look out for the interest of others.

These four phrases are summed up in the life of Christ: a selfless humility that puts others above self.
Jesus and others is a winning combination for leadership.

Influence…Part 1

Jesus described His disciples as salt and light. These terms identify influence in the realm to which they are applied. Thus, Christians are to be an influence in the world.

Our influence is determined by words, attitudes, conduct / behavior, and activities.

Christians have been known to get as close to the line of worldliness as possible in order to have this influence. Many have selected close relationships with non-Christians with this in mind. Sadly, the influence is often reversed and Christians can be drawn away from their convictions.

Let us be careful how we influence others.

Purpose-Driven Leaders

The reason for which something is done, created, or for which it exists speaks to purpose.

What is the reason for our leadership?
How is our leadership created?
Why does our leadership exist?

These questions provoke deeper thought when we consider leading others.

The reason for our leadership is the cause of Christ.
We create leadership through learning and experience.
Our leadership exists because God planned, designed, and needs His people to change the world.

The worldview of each individual influences their purpose in life. As Christians, we know that our purpose is to glorify God!

Lead Like Jesus

Peter clearly points out that Jesus suffered, leaving an example to follow in His steps.

Peter’s first letter is one that acknowledges the need for Christians to prepare for suffering, not to be surprised when suffering occurs, and to know that when they suffer as Christians they are blessed.

Would we think differently about the words of the song, “Oh To Be Like Thee,” if we knew that we were asking to suffer as Jesus suffered?

We often hear, “Lead like Jesus.” Will our leadership involve suffering for the cause of the Lord? Are we willing to lead like Him?

Imitating Christ

Scripture instructs us to be an imitator of Christ. Peter identifies that Jesus left an example that we should walk in His steps.

What exactly does that mean? In context, Peter’s statement to Christians related to suffering.

Hopefully, we possess a conviction to walk in His steps, even when suffering.

Our prayer is that we draw closer to our God, understand more fully the example left for us to follow, and then live our life as a reflection of His example.

Where will it take us? If we follow it through, we might just find an amazing path before us.

Blessed Opportunity…

Of all people, why were you and I blessed with the opportunity to hear the Gospel when so many in the world have never heard it at all?

Maybe this is the first time we have considered this question. However, we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with the opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

As Christians, we are blessed among people. This blessing is meant to be shared, leading others to a hope in something beyond.