Tag: Church

The Worth of Leadership…

What is leadership worth to our spouse? Children? Church family? Us?

Let us focus on the idea of worth.

Most of us find our worth in what we do. The value of what we accomplish, the skills we possess, the praise of others for a job well done, or our level of achievement seems to determine our worth.

However, nothing we do has greater worth than fulfilling our God-given roles as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. 

We need to express this more within our families.

Leading With The Future In View…

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make? Their friends? Their work ethic? 

Our church? The confidence of the church? Their hope? The promise of eternity? 

Our neighbors? Who they turn to during trials? Their spiritual questions? How they see Jesus?

Our friends? Their spiritual focus? Their approach to relationships? When they face temptation? 

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles? Their character? Their home-life? 

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we lead.

Leading a Team…

A leader is one who leads a team in one form or another. 

The benefits of working as a team cannot be listed in one post, but here are a few.

1) Work is achieved more quickly.

2) Everyone uses their abilities more efficiently.

3) Ideas are abundant.

4) Opportunities for encouragement are greater. 

In construction, people who specialize in foundations, plumbing, framing, sheet rock, painting, trimming, and interior design are all needed to complete the project.

The same is true in the church. It takes those who cook, clean, teach, preach, sing, pray, serve, shepherd, and the list goes on.

When everyone works together, the result is growth!

Role of the Shepherd…#7

The next thought expressed is one that aligns with the Great Commission. Jesus says, “I have sent them into the world.”

Although not of the world, they were in the world and had a task to complete. 

When “church” is confined to the building, shepherds stop short of understanding the significance of this role. When the sheep assemble together, it is time to encourage, strengthen, build up, and prepare them to be sent into the world.

Shepherds, always remember that the time spent with sheep to equip them to be sent into the world makes the difference in how the sheep survive and return from the battles ahead.

Brave Leadership…

“Be brave.” We’ve all heard it, but why is it so challenging and difficult? Perhaps it’s because we tend to believe that being brave is a quality to develop or possess.

Being brave, like courage, is a decision to act at the moment it is needed.

Most leaders do not consider themselves to possess the quality of bravery. Rather, in those moments when they needed to be brave, they demonstrated it.

Interestingly enough, many who claim to be brave fail to demonstrate what is needed when the moment arises. The church must have leaders who recognize the moment it is needed and act bravely now.

The Future of Leadership…

What does the future of leadership look like for the Lord’s church?

Is there an understanding of why this is important for the future?

Are plans being made for the next generation of leaders and how they will lead?

Will the legacy left behind be one of strong leadership?

Who will take the role of preparing these leaders for the time when they are needed?

When will the plans be enacted?

These are only a few questions that deserve consideration, but the answers are vital to knowing the future of God’s kingdom. Are we ready?

A Dedicated Leader…

Leaders understand dedication to a fault, and they are dedicated to several areas.

They are dedicated to God. First, and foremost, their life belongs to the Almighty. They follow Him, whatever it takes.

They are dedicated to their family. They make sacrifices and express love through a willingness to do whatever is needed to get their family to heaven. 

They are dedicated to the church. No words adequately describe what leaders endure to help God’s people enjoy the security of the hope found in Jesus.

For these reasons, and many more, this post is dedicated to those leaders!

Others-Centered Leadership…

The world is self-centered and people often look out only for themselves.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. Kalu Kalu wrote, “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Spiritual leaders stand out for this quality. Why?

Jesus taught and set this example. The final lesson before His death was the lesson of servanthood.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Unity and harmony are built on service.

When we follow, we leave a legacy that leads to a home with God.

Leadership, The Next Generation…

In construction, workers tend to give little thought to the person who comes next on the job. Most try to get the work done quickly, save as much money as possible, and let whoever comes next worry about it.

We must guard against such attitudes.

If we do not consider what and who comes next the structure will not last.

What shape will the leadership of the church be in when the current eldership is gone?

We need to think about who follows and work to resolve necessary issues, so that those who come next will enjoy something better.