Tag: Church

Others-Centered Leadership…

The world is self-centered and people often look out only for themselves.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. Kalu Kalu wrote, “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Spiritual leaders stand out for this quality. Why?

Jesus taught and set this example. The final lesson before His death was the lesson of servanthood.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Unity and harmony are built on service.

When we follow, we leave a legacy that leads to a home with God.

Leadership, The Next Generation…

In construction, workers tend to give little thought to the person who comes next on the job. Most try to get the work done quickly, save as much money as possible, and let whoever comes next worry about it.

We must guard against such attitudes.

If we do not consider what and who comes next the structure will not last.

What shape will the leadership of the church be in when the current eldership is gone?

We need to think about who follows and work to resolve necessary issues, so that those who come next will enjoy something better.