Tag: Church

Paul…Part 2

Paul presents many qualities of leadership, some we looked at previously.

Consider a few additional qualities:

Humble: He considered himself the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, and he was the chief of sinners. He certainly understood and exemplified humility.

Dedicated: Paul was determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Co. 2:2-5). He was dedicated to do whatever necessary to preach this message.

His love for all who were lost and his intense concern over the church is an example of true leadership. He wanted nothing more than for people to be saved.


In the construction industry, leaders examine blueprints and demonstrate the ability to see the finished product in their mind. Only when they see it in their mind can they follow the blueprint accurately.

Spiritual leaders must demonstrate the same ability. To help Christians reach the goals set before them, leaders must see what it looks like in their mind.

Casting this kind of vision before others will help them stay focused and energized for the journey.

Mistakes are easily made in the construction phases when there is no vision. The same is true for both the construction of buildings and the future of the church.


I love Paul’s leadership, and here is why. He was…

Passionate: As a persecutor of the church, he pursued it with passion. He even raised his level of passion when he became a defender of the faith.

Bold: Paul asked the church to pray for his boldness and it was demonstrated throughout every step of his ministry.

Selfless: Paul became all things to all men so that he might save some. He endured great hardship for others to learn about Jesus.

If we could approach our leadership with the passion, boldness, and selflessness of Paul, we could change the world.


To be brave is connected to showing courage. Bravery is an action taken at the moment it is needed.

Most who claim to be brave fail to demonstrate what is needed when the moment arises. Sadly, it seems to be easier for people today to move on rather than act bravely. The church needs leaders who recognize the need of this moment and act bravely.

When we look at Jesus, we see the greatest act of bravery in history.

Leaders must follow His example and humbly submit to the will of the Father, giving themselves in service to the kingdom.


How many times in the political arena do we hear the thought expressed of someone being extreme left or extreme right?

Being extreme, however, is not limited to the political arena. We quite often find the beast of extremism within the church.

Brethren often become extreme in their approach and teaching, which leads to division in the church.

Our responsibility is to learn the difference between Biblical teaching and personal opinion.

In a time where we need to prevent the world’s influence on the church, let us not become so extreme that our actions portray what we are trying to prevent.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?

Passing the Torch

The older I get the more I find myself realizing how temporary life is on earth. It becomes increasingly important to consider my replacement.

No one likes to think about death, but someone must carry on without us. I am not trying to be depressing. However, we need to pass the torch, but to whom?

There is a necessity of preparing men to shepherd the Lord’s church, fill pulpits, and train teachers to lay the foundation for the future of our children.

It is all about passing the torch. Who will replace you? To whom will you pass the torch?

Learning In Community

Few times are more exciting than sitting around a table with others to collaborate ideas. Discussing and planning every area of life serves to improve leadership.

These times provide inspiration by gleaning from the wisdom and experience of those closest to us. Here we find guidance from others who care most for us. They desire to see us succeed.

Spiritually, few opportunities are more important than to examine ways to strengthen the church and lead others to a greater hope.

The change in life that makes the greatest difference in who we are and what we do is born from the benefits of what is learned in community.

Value and Worth

Although the source is unknown, consider this thought, “Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You don’t need too many people to be happy, just a few REAL ones who can appreciate you for who you are.”

Confidence and esteem are lacking in general.

Leaders have the responsibility of showing appreciation for those who need to grow in their confidence.

Think about what it would do for the church to know the value and worth of our contribution and to help others see their value and worth.

Negativity is destructive. We must find a way to avoid negative influences and surround ourselves with positive ones that build worth.

Who, How, and Why

Three significant questions surface in your leadership.

First, “Who are you trying to reach?” Churches often talk about trying to reach their communities, but rarely are they willing to take the necessary steps to do so. The answer here makes a difference in the direction and steps taken in the next question.

Second, “How will you reach them?” It may take specific marketing technique, extra time in the community, developing stronger relationships, financial means, or additional people. You must be willing to do whatever it takes.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, “Why are you doing this?” If you can’t answer this question with certainty and clarity, people will not follow long.