Tag: Consequence

The Leadership Line

Everyone has a line, a specific line that influences what we will or will not do. The line may fall into areas that involve our moral, ethical, or legal character.

The line is often adjustable and once moved, an effort to rationalize our decision ensues.

Our task is one of great magnitude and requires an understanding of where to draw the line. Consider the following.

1) God has already established and provided the line.
2) Consistency is critical in the development of godly character.
3) Remember the long-term consequences.

If we think first, where we place the line may make the difference.

Admitting Wrong

Our culture is proud. To some degree, this is true in all countries. Perhaps it is human nature. The concept of being wrong is not a pleasant or acceptable situation for most.

We do not want to admit or acknowledge we were wrong. The older we get the more difficult it is to admit.

Marvin Williams tells us, “There is no better test of a man’s integrity than his behavior when he is wrong.”

Rare is the leader who, when faced with the reality of being wrong, has the integrity to admit they were wrong, accept the consequences, learn from it, and correct the situation.

Influential Leader

A word expressed or action taken can change a situation in ways that leave a lasting impression.

People always watch and listen. They measure the strength of our character by the consistency of our words and actions.

Before we speak, think about the consequences. Once the words are spoken we cannot take them back.

Our actions have a similar impact. Interestingly enough, we may participate in an activity that does not characterize who we are, yet when seen, the consequences are nearly impossible to correct.

Our influence is too valuable to give little thought to the consequences of our choices and influence.

The Map…

Where are we going? Do we know? What is needed to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

We make application of this daily, but spiritual matters tend to be a completely different story.

The spiritual approach must be no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We anticipate the arrival, but do we know what we need to get there?

Since our destination is heaven, the map God has provided is laid out through the pages of His word.

If we know how foolish it is not to follow a map into unknown places, imagine how much more foolish it is when the eternal destination is far more consequential?


Decisions are a daily part of life. Sometimes decisions are quick and easy to make. At other times, they are difficult and require a great deal more thought.

Many decisions have little consequence, while others carry great consequence.

There is one decision that is extremely consequential, the decision to follow Christ. This one decision should be the foundation for all other decisions.

When thinking through a decision, take a moment to determine how that decision will influence others and if it fits within our responsibility as a leader for Christ.

A Question for Leaders…

How did we get here? We tend to ask this when…

…compromise results in consequences greater than expected.
…plans result in failure.
…chaos emerges within an organization.
…we are unprepared for tragedy.

When we find ourselves at a place we did not intend, desire, or plan for, we wonder, “How did I get here?”

Perhaps we need to ask, “What will we do now?”

The journey that brought us here is important, but it is more important to know what we do from this point.

As spiritual leaders, we must guide those who find themselves in difficult circumstances to a better place of hope.