Tag: Crisis


Leaders are in high demand, from political to spiritual arenas. In time of crisis what should we do? We could…

1) Do nothing.
2) Deny there is a crisis and continue the same course.
3) Ignore the crisis hoping it will take care of itself.
4) Procrastinate and allow the wrong leadership to take control.
5) Address the crisis with a plan of action to change the direction.

Developing a plan of action requires us to account for the following.

1) Acknowledge the problem(s).
2) Examine the severity.
3) Remove the element(s) poisoning it.
4) Develop a support system.
5) Begin a plan to prepare future leaders.

We can change the future, but we must act now!

Why Lead?

Why do people lead?

Some lead for the power. They simply want authority over others to direct them.

Some lead out of a crisis. When crisis strikes, individuals are often forced into leadership.

Others lead because no one else will. When godly leaders do not rise up, others will, but not always in the right direction.

Still, some lead for the joy of it. They strive to develop godly and Christlike character, and desire to lead others to Christ.

Paul referred to those who led with both wrong motives and the right one. Examine why you lead, and learn to lead for the joy of an eternal outcome.

A Sense of Urgency

John Kotter’s book, Leading Change, describes eight steps to ultimately anchor change within organizational culture.

The first step is to “establish a sense of urgency.” Without it, the possibility of change diminishes.

Often times, awareness of a problem or crises does not go unnoticed, but an overwhelming problem of complacency prevents action producing correction.

The church faces a leadership crisis. We find that some deny the reality of the situation, while others tend to ignore it altogether.

Who will lead from the next generation? What plans are in place to train future leaders for the church?

Unless we realize the urgency of the situation, nothing changes and the result will leave the church without leaders.

A Leadership Crisis

Will a leadership crisis characterize our generation? Leaders are in high demand. From the political to the spiritual arena, we need leaders.

What should be done? We can…

1) Do nothing.
2) Deny the crisis.
3) Ignore it.
4) Procrastinate and allow wrong leaders to have control.
5) Address it with a plan of action.


1) Acknowledge the problem(s).
2) Examine the situation.
3) Remove the element(s) poisoning the organization.
4) Develop a support system for leaders.
5) Begin a course that prepares leaders for the future.

We need to act and we need to act now!

Unprecedented Leadership…

Unprecedented seems to be the most common description of 2020, more specifically, the coronavirus pandemic. As uncertainty looms, how do leaders respond?

As we explore the possibilities, one factor is clear: Returning to the way things were before is not a reality, at least not in the foreseeable future.

Perhaps we should ask if returning to the way things were before is best for the church.

Crises present opportunities. How we approach these opportunities impacts the direction of the church and her leaders.

During these times, let’s focus on how to use these opportunities to lead in ways that grow the kingdom.

The Joy of Leading…

Some lead for the power. They simply want authority to direct and guide the movement of others.

Some lead out of crisis. When crisis strikes, people are often forced into a position of leadership.

Others lead because no one else will. Sadly, when godly leaders do not rise up, someone will, but not always in the right direction.

Still, there are others who know the joy of leading. They recognize the need, strive to develop Christlike character, and desire to save souls.

When the combination of these three elements exist, great blessings will follow.

A Motive To Lead…

People lead for different reasons. At times, the situation (crisis) demands someone lead.

However, selfish ambition motivates far too many. The desire to personally benefit from a position of power is appealing in both the secular and spiritual arena. 

When people lead with the right motives, the result is powerful.

Developing this motive consists of three components.

1) Personal and familial relationship with Christ. 
2) Understanding scripture, both the milk and meat of God’s word.
3) Compassion for people’s eternal condition, saved and lost.

These help us check and develop the motive godly leaders should possess.