Tag: Determination

Tenacious Leaders

Grip, determination, and persistence are a few of the words associated with tenacity.

Being able to grip something, or hold on to it firmly, is crucial for long term success in leadership.

The quality of being determined presents an attitude of strength to endure the distractions.

Without persistence leaders find themselves easily ready to give up and move on.

Tenacity, as defined in these three areas, demonstrates the ability of leaders to take a group of individuals who might not otherwise continue and motivate them to heights unknown.

Leaders who approach the establishment of goals and the development of plans with tenacity, provide confidence for those who follow.


We must prepare the next generation with the determination to deal with many challenges.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christ-like manner possible and equip others to lead in the same way. A few suggestions to consider include the following.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching any challenge.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand they are only temporary.

God provides hope for better days ahead. Let us lead with strong determination and help the next generation to lead equally so.


Biblically, love involves seeking the highest good for the other person. Love cannot be self-directed or direct the actions of others.

When leaders do this, it is generally because of selfish motives.

When leaders truly understand and lead out of love for souls, we find sacrifice and determination to see that others find a way to heaven. A couple of ideas about leading out of love.

Love gives without expecting to receive something in return.
Love seeks opportunity to serve in all situations.
Love desires the best for others, even at the cost of personal comfort.

Lead out of love and know the power it brings to leadership.

True Leadership

Difficulties often cause leaders to: a) step out of the leadership role, or b) never enter into a leadership role.

God never promised a carefree, problem free life. If anything, God ensures us that life is going to be filled with problems, difficulties, and suffering.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christian manner possible.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching these challenges.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand that they are only temporary.

Leading with Character

There is no doubt when it comes to the necessity of character.

We have examined several areas about character in the past and I do not think it can be overstated. Character is the very substance of leadership.

The determination of character is the head of character.
The development of character is the heart of character.
The demonstration of character is the hands of character.

Where there is character, there is leadership! We need strategy, but strategy takes a distant second place to the necessity of character as leaders.

Reflection and Correction

Maintaining good physical health does not come easy. We need strong determination and discipline in areas of physical activity and healthy eating habits. Maintaining good spiritual health requires the same determination and application of discipline.

People need to see the message as well as hear it. How do we make this alignment possible?

Reflection: Each night, look back over the day and consider conversations, actions, attitudes, etc. Do they reflect what we want as an example of Christianity?

Do not make excuses, make changes. Each day is a new opportunity to start fresh and work on the areas of our conversations, actions, attitudes, etc.

A Tenacious Leader

A tenacious leader possesses a certain ability to hold on to something tightly with an incredible determination.

Look around. It does not take much to see how tenacity affects all areas of life, from recreation to religion. When we examine our priorities we generally find our tenacity.

How can we become more tenacious?

1) Be passionate and remove the impossibility factor.
2) Know what is worth dying for.
3) Have a clear vision of God.
4) Challenge yourself and others to do something great!

These ideas can create a whole new approach to our leadership and move others to greater heights of fulfillment in the Lord’s kingdom.

Ambitious Leadership

Every leader needs ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he claimed our ambition is to be pleasing to the Lord (2 Co. 5:9).

Imagine the power of leadership when strong desire, determination, and hard work are exerted toward pleasing the Lord.

Ambition based on this purpose will guide every area of life and leadership.

In our homes, on the job, in the community, and within the Lord’s church we show the world we are His disciples when our ambition is to please the Lord.


When leadership is characterized by accuracy, decisions and actions specify what must be done.

Leaders who pursue correctness, ensure others that what is being done is “right.”

Exactness demonstrates their leadership is precise.

A meticulous leader distinguishes themselves by paying attention to details.

When we examine our character each day, let us focus on being precise.

Developing precision in our leadership can be as simple as pinpointing what must be done, determining to do it right, exacting preciseness, and paying attention to the details.

Spiritual Leadership…

The heart of a spiritual leader has resolve. Consider the following.

Spiritual leaders are determined, unwavering in the decided course of action.

Spiritual leaders are purposeful. Nothing is done by accident. They are intentional.

Spiritual leaders are adamant. They cannot be persuaded or distracted by trivial matters.

Spiritual leaders make the decision of courage when they must lead in moments of fear.

Spiritual leaders are unshakable. Leaders are pulled in many directions. However, they cannot be shaken from their foundation.