Tag: Discipline

Disciplined Leaders…Part 1

The concept of discipline is prevalent throughout the Bible.

The difference between the lifestyle of the world and Christianity is one of discipline.

The Christian life is built upon discipline, or as it is often identified, self-control. However, there is a difference in these two terms. While there are areas that overlap between them, discipline adds the practices and habits of life that lend to character development. Self-control is more specific to controlling self in the area of emotions and desires.

The challenge introduced here involves learning how to develop the kind of discipline that sets Christians apart from the rest of the world.

Biblical Resolution…Part 1

The Gospel of Matthew highlights Jesus instructing the disciples in what to do if a brother sins against you. He
said to “go to them in private.” Conflict could be more easily resolved if we took this approach.

Of course, Jesus continues with taking two or three witnesses, if they do not listen to you. However, the most powerful part is found at the end, “if they will not listen to the church.”

Imagine the power of an entire congregation on your doorstep to resolve the conflict.

His point is not about discipline, but about restoration. Let’s seek reconciliation.

Leading with Influence

We all have influence. John Maxwell claims we influence a minimum of four people everyday. Knowing this moves us to think about how we can influence others for the cause of Christ.

Our influence is either good or bad, for or against the Lord. If we knew that our words and actions would make the difference in someone’s eternity, would we think more first?

Proper influence is based on preparation. We must prepare our minds and discipline our lives to be the kind of influence that leads others to an eternal goal.

We need to focus on providing influence that changes lives for the Kingdom.

Primal Leadership…

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life.

For leaders, it is essential to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place in order to achieve success.

These building blocks for spiritual leaders include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

Additional elements may exist, but these are the “primal” ones of leadership.

When leaders build on this foundation, their strength of character provides hope for everyone who follows.