Tag: Encourage

Catch 22 Leadership

Leaders often feel as if they are being shot at from both sides, in front and from behind.

How many times have leaders faced situations that no matter what decision was made they were condemned? We call this Catch 22 Leadership.

Leaders must be decisive, and they will always have to fight the enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Pray with and for your leaders.
Always speak well of leaders to others.
Make it a habit to build them up publicly.
When a problem arises, speak to leaders privately.
Encourage those who are godly to lead.

Teach, Encourage, Admonish, Equip

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men to go and make disciples.

Think about how Jesus individualized each word.

Teach: People will only do what they are taught to do, and our teaching must include application. When provided, everyone learns how to fulfill the task.

Encouraging others motivates them to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing tools to fulfill each task and responsibility are vital to the success of followers, especially as we prepare them to lead.

A Spiritual Leader

How should we define spiritual leadership? Realizing there are numerous possibilities, perhaps the best approach is to consider a biblical response.

Here are 10 scriptural ways to help define spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly.
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in the working of God.

These are 10 suggestions and require a lifetime to develop in leadership.

Better Leadership

“Surround yourself with people who make you a better person.” Author Unknown

Easier said than done, right?

How much better would our perspective in life be if we practiced this?

The idea involves surrounding ourselves with people who know when to encourage and how to approach us when correction is needed.

Leaders should always direct their attention to making others around them better. In order to achieve this goal, we need to know each person well enough to know what will make them better. We need to know when to encourage and how to approach with a loving spirit when correcting others.

In Sync Leadership

To be “in sync” involves harmony between our own life and the lives of others, especially those we lead. How can leaders work with others in ways that leave both feeling in sync?

1) Listen. The idea of active listening involves the ability to listen with the head and heart.

2) Equip. An urgent requisite includes equipping others with the tools to accomplish the task.

3) Motivate. Leaders must encourage and inspire others in order to be on the same page.

4) Reward. When the job is done well and reaches its end, the achievement deserves a time to celebrate the victory.

Refuse to Give Up

Numerous people speak about persistence, perseverance, and the stick-to-itive mindset connected to success.

The ability to never quit, even in the face of challenge, difficulty, or hardship is rare and needed in the home, world, and church.

My oldest son says, “It’s amazing what happens when you REFUSE to give up. Failure eventually gives up on you.”

Of all people, leaders must possess that quality of grit that eliminates the possibility of failure.

Developing a fighting spirit in face of adversity will strengthen our leadership and encourage others to address their own challenges with the same vim and vigor.

Four Words…

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped disciples in preparation for the work He commissioned them to fulfill.

Teach: People will only do what they are learn to do. When application is taught, we all learn how to fulfill the task.

Encourage: When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm from occurring in their lives.

Equip: Providing the necessary tools to fulfill the given task and responsibility is vital to the success of followers.

Something Greater…

Improving others is one of the greatest keys to successful leadership. Jim Rohn says, “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”

The task before leaders involves developing others into something greater. It’s the idea of genuine love.

When leaders care for and demonstrate love for others, they will always work to serve, placing the needs and desires of others above their own.

Hopefully, along the way, we will encourage the fainthearted, strengthen the mature, and allow both to fulfill what God desires.

The Power of Listening…

In leadership, communication becomes critical to the success of building relationships and reaching goals.

Leaders who communicate well are able to articulate the vision, inspire the actions of others, and strengthen the character of an organization to achieve long-lasting rewards.

However, the foundation for these three areas requires the ability to actively listen.

When leaders do not listen, they communicate a lack of concern or care about the other person.

If leaders take time to be silent, remove distractions, focus on the person speaking, and truly listen, amazing results occur.

Leaders build stronger relationships, encourage followers, and take steps to achieve their goals.

Changing the Future of Leadership…

Leaders will always face attacks from an enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Herein lies the challenge. These situations cause godly leaders to step down and they often prevent others from stepping up. What can we do to change the direction?

Pray with and for these leaders.
Always speak well of leadership.
Build them up publicly.
When problems arise, speak to them privately.
Encourage others to lead.
Prepare future leaders among the young…now!

Good leadership does not happen by accident. We must work today to change the future.