Tag: Faith


When leaders provide direction that is fixed, followers feel secure.

When leaders keep followers safe and unharmed, they feel secure.

When followers are protected from the enemy, they are secure.

When leaders are stable, eliminate anxiety, and are unafraid, security exists.

Consider these thoughts in a spiritual context. Spiritual leaders must provide security that eliminates the fear and anxiety prevalent in the world.

To accomplish this, a few simple steps will help.

1) Be strong in faith.
2) Grow in knowledge of the word.
3) Trust in God.
4) Remember there is strength in numbers.
5) Lead with confidence.


When someone is fearless, we tend to think about the absence of fear.

Consider another possibility as it relates to leadership.

Reverse the word and examine the idea of less fear.

It is doubtful that a leader reaches a point where they have no fear. Various events in life and leadership will always create times of fear. During those times we can demonstrate less fear, but what makes it possible to do so? Read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:4.

Enduring life’s challenges is an ability strengthened by victorious faith.

Trust that God will keep His promise.

Obstacles are temporary. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Choose to Grow

Some people become bitter at certain difficulties and may cause them to abandon their faith.

Of course, others face giants when it comes to trials in life and they choose to remain strong, and dedicated to their faith.

The difference is a choice. Wayne Dyer says, ”With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”

We can choose to feel sorry for ourselves or look at circumstances as an opportunity to grow. Choose to grow!

Mentoring…part 1

Information about mentoring is unlimited and various approaches indicate there are options available.

Mentoring involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we all want to pursue ways we can mentor someone in developing a mature faith.

While it is important to examine ways to get involved in mentoring others, we should also seek someone who can be a mentor. Pray about how to do both.


Few ideas are more significant than the need for survival. For some, the need to find a meal for the day is a matter of survival. For some, getting through the day with their life is a matter of survival.

Leadership survival is an area of great need within the church of the twenty-first century.

Leaders must survive challenges to their leadership in matters of faith and practice.

Leaders must survive false accusations to their character by dissenters.

Leaders must develop survival skills against the forces of division.

When it comes to leadership, survival is a priority. Communicate it. Live by it.

Hold the Helm

Consider a statement made by Publilius Syrus, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Perhaps we could say, “It is not difficult to have faith when life is going well.”

The challenge to faith (holding the helm) involves trusting that God is in control and engaged in life, that He looks out for your best interest even when life is not going well.

Spiritual leaders will face numerous storms, disbelief in the vision and goals often exists, jealousy that creates doubt in your motives, and gossip, slander, and malice spread discrediting you.

Hold the helm! Remain strong in the faith! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus! Continue to lead!

Leading with Prayer

I recently heard a question asked, “Do we believe in prayer?”

Most people can attest to God answering prayers in powerful ways.

Perhaps the struggle we have deals with the temptation to doubt when various trials arise and challenge our faith in God’s power to answer.

There is no magic formula, special words, proper position, or time of day that makes a difference in prayer.

For Christians, prayer is about the simplicity of a humble heart that trusts God to answer in His time, in His ways, and in our best interest.

We may not always understand, but prayer is foundational to powerful leadership.


Life is filled with opportunities. We may choose to pass or act on an opportunity. The possibility also exists that we will neither pass or act on an opportunity because we fail to see it.

Whether we see an opportunity or fail to see it, what a blessing to know God works in our lives daily. He provides us with opportunities to grow closer to Him, recognize the beauty of His handiwork, develop a stronger faith, help and encourage others, love family and friends, work and earn a living, remember those who changed our lives, and the list is unending.

Opportunities abound if we look.

What If…Part 3

What would life be like if we took out the “if factor”?

Think about the following questions.

Do we limit the power of God by the boundaries we create in our own mind?

Do we believe God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think according to the power that works within us?

What do we hinder God from doing when we place limitations on Him?

What could God do through you and me as leaders if our faith was greater?

When we believe that God can and will accomplish His purpose, in spite of us, maybe we would stop thinking small and start thinking big!

Spiritual Growth

We want our children to learn how to read and write, understand history, and gain a perspective of math and science. Of course, there are other subjects.

However, do we grasp the urgency of a spiritual education?

We must take a more serious look at the situation and how to better equip God’s people.

We are responsible not just to teach, but to teach others how to learn from God’s word in order that they might teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).

If we value what we learned from someone who took the time to teach us, then we must imitate their faith (Hebrews 13:7).