Tag: Faith

Developing Leaders

If there was one word leaders need to understand for the success of the church, it would be develop.

The goal of teaching was to present every person mature in Christ. God gave gifts to various individuals for the purposing of helping the church develop, achieving unity and maturity in the faith.

Developing faith and relationship with God is the vital responsibility of leadership.

We must lead others to a greater love and understanding of His word.
We must assist Christians in using their God given abilities in His service.
We must encourage the expression of God’s grace toward others.

Leadership is about development. Let’s get started.

A Prayer for Sight

One of the great prayers in the Old Testament is found in 2 Kings 6:17 where Elisha said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Elisha prayed that God would help his servant see beyond what the physical eye could behold to witness a far greater battle.

Leaders must pray for others to see a spiritual realm of truth. The idea is about an ability to see through the eye of faith and recognize the greatness of our God.

The prayer of a leader moves the One who moves the universe. May He open all our eyes to see more clearly and fully.

Finish Well

Endurance is a powerful sentiment for leadership. Endurance also points to the nature in which one finishes.

Yes, we are all aware it is not about finishing first, but it is about finishing well. Years ago the phrase was coined, “Finish like a runner.” No matter how slow the pace is during the race, when it comes to finishing the race, finish like a runner, finish strong.

In leadership circles, the idea of finishing well is used to indicate the need to avoid the point of abandoning the faith and the purpose for which we lead.

Let us finish, but let us finish well.


The writer of Hebrews highlights the faith of Abraham (He. 11:8-10, 17-19), and Paul uses Abraham’s faith as an example of how our faith is credited as
righteousness (Ro. 4).

The key to Abraham’s faith is the statement, “…with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith…being fully assured that what God has promised, He was able also to perform” (Ro. 4:20-21).

The example of an unwavering faith points to our confidence and relationship with God. Doubt is eliminated and certainty in God’s promise is promoted.

Take the Risk

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is an idiom related to risk. Few areas in life witness true and great success without some level of risk.

The willingness to take risks opens us up to an area that allows God to demonstrate the greatness of His power, exceeding our ability to think.

Instead of hiding behind a fear that inhibits our growth and development as the church, leaders need to explore the possibilities of what can happen if we just allow God to work through us, beyond the comfort zones of our past traditions and extend our abilities into areas that promise faith and hope.

Essential Leadership

What is essential and what is not? Spiritually speaking, there are a number of components that play a key role.

1) Character: The late General Schwarzkopf clearly indicated that character trumps strategy.

2) Passion: The origin of this word involves suffering. What are we willing to give up to lead?

3) Vision: Vision is about faith, and faith is critical to the development of leadership vision.

4) Goals: Without goals we have no clear way of knowing where we are going.

These are only four areas, but each of them are essential to effective leadership.

Discouragement and Leadership

We learn a great deal from Nehemiah as a leader. He was a man of prayer, passionate for God and his people, courageous in the face of opposition, and he encountered discouragement but was not distracted.

Threats from external enemies, ridicule, and plots of ambush, make it easy to see how one could get discouraged. Nehemiah, however, was not distracted. The task was great, his faith was strong, and nothing kept him from finishing the objective.

Leaders can get discouraged.

Satan wants to discourage leaders so they will quit.

We must be determined, strong in faith, prayerful, passionate, courageous, and un-distracted when finishing the objective.


A common phrase to encourage perseverance is “hold on.” Holding on a few more minutes can make the difference in securing hope, gaining a measure of strength, finding the answer, or reaching the goal.

When we consider giving up, the question becomes, “hold on to what?” Success seems elusive and passion has dwindled to little more than an ember. What can we hold on to?

Reflect on the past.
The past holds a key to how we move forward.
Remember we are not alone. Avoid the Elijah syndrome. God is there.
Realize faith in the vision. Without vision, there is no direction.

The Loneliness of Leading

One of the most frightening places to be is alone. The thought of dealing with stress, challenges, and trials alone is less than appealing.

Elijah stood on Mount Carmel in the power and glory of God, yet in the next chapter flees in fear at the threat of a wicked queen. While talking to God, he expresses the depression of being alone. Elijah needed to know God was there all along.

With the pressures in leadership, the weight of family responsibility (physical and spiritual), and the struggles that challenge our faith, we can begin to feel alone.

We need a gentle reminder, “You are not in this alone.”

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
May God fill you with faith, hope, love,
and abundant blessings.