Tag: Faith

Security in Leadership…

Security highlights several important factors that have a significant role in leadership.

When leaders provide a direction that does not give way, followers feel secure.
When leaders keep followers safe and unharmed, they feel secure.
When leaders protect followers from an enemy’s attack, they feel secure.
When leaders eliminate anxiety and fear, followers feel secure. 

For leaders to accomplish this type of security, they need to…

1) Be strong in faith.
2) Grow in knowledge of the word.
3) Trust in God.
4) Remember there is strength in numbers.
5) Lead with confidence.

Faith and Leadership…

Great faith is always amazing. Leaders need great faith. They need faith that is so big the only answer is God.

I’ve met a few leaders like this over the years. Recently, I was blessed to meet an elder that shared a moving story about how God showed up in incredible ways to provide a Christian Camp. 

The most impressive aspect of his character was his humility. While others expressed thanks for his role, he never accepted it. He knew only God made it happen. Over and over he said, “It was God’s dream. It was God’s work.” 

When leaders possess the kind of humility to acknowledge the power of God at work in this way, we are privileged to see great faith in action.

Surviving Leadership…

Few areas are more significant than the need for and priority of survival.

Leadership survival is a matter of extreme urgency for the church today.

Leaders struggle to survive challenges in matters of faith and practice.

Leaders must survive false accusations to their character by dissenters.

Leaders must develop survival skills against forces that would divide Christians.

The idea is often expressed, “Its lonely at the top.” While spiritual leadership is not about being at the top, leaders in the Lord’s church still face a measure of loneliness.

Perhaps this is why so few are willing to accept the role and responsibility.

Who Are We Leading?

Numerous stories describe the challenges of reaching the more affluent in our world today.

As difficult as it might be to admit, we know this is true.

Why the concern? If God chose the poor in this world to be rich in faith, and they are receptive, why do we not make greater efforts to share the gospel with them?

Why do we spend so much time focused on those who seemingly feel they do not need God because of their abundance?

We need to lead those with little or nothing in this life to a greater understanding of what God has prepared.

Leadership Skill-Set…

A person’s range of abilities makes up their skill-set. Leaders must use this range of abilities to assist in leading others. 

A couple of facts to remember.

1) Every leader has a skill-set.

2) Some skill-sets are natural, while others are learned.

3) Leaders must constantly work to develop, maintain, and grow their skill-set.

4) The greater the skill-set, the greater potential for strong leadership.

A study of people who are men and women of faith, e.g. Hebrews 11, provides a great starting point for learning the skill-set(s) most helpful for leadership.

These type of leaders will encourage leadership development in others.

Apathy and Indifference…

Has apathy and indifference robbed us of our faith?

Today’s news is old by tomorrow and forgotten the day after. We are bombarded with change, and these changes occur so quickly there is no accurate measurement of time to gauge it. 

We are so easily and quickly bored with the events that come and go that it doesn’t matter any more, nor do we care. 

Spiritually, we are not keeping up with these changes. Therefore, have apathy and indifference robbed us of our fire?

Leaders must guard against both. 

When we care about the people and events around us, we work to protect them from spiritual tragedy. Let us rise up!

Leading Without Control…

The challenge of faith is believing that God is in control and involved in our lives (looking out for our best interest) when life is not going well.

Publilius Syrus said, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

This thought is significant when dealing with leadership. 

Disbelief in the vision leads dissenters to gossip, and jealousy surfaces in attempts to discourage and stop progress. 

Storms will blow against our leadership, especially when we lead with a godly, Christlike spirit.

Hold the helm. Remain strong in the faith. Keep our eyes focused on Jesus. Continue to lead.

Prayerful Leadership…

Prayer is a given when it comes to spiritual leadership. We know about prayer. We study about prayer. We talk about prayer. We teach about prayer.

However, do we believe in the power of prayer?

The struggle for many is the temptation to doubt when trials arise to challenge our faith in God’s power to answer…yet again.

When it comes to prayer, there is no magic formula, special words, proper position, or time of day that makes a difference.

Prayer is about the simplicity of a humble heart that trusts God.

We may not always understand, but praying without ceasing is foundational to powerful leadership.

Guardians of the Faith…

Guarding the faith of Christians is not an easy task? The battle is fierce. The danger is great. The opportunities for success may be few. 

However, with God on our side we are assured victory.

Satan works to fill our schedules to overflowing. We get busy with so much stuff we have no time left for eternal matters.

While it is true for each of us individually, we can also get so busy with programs and activities within the church we lose sight of our purpose.

We need balance. When we allow these things to push out the spiritual, Satan can steal our faith. 

We need guardians.

The Walk of a Leader…

Scripture figuratively uses the word “walk” to describe the behavior or conduct of one’s life. 

One of the most powerful descriptions that characterizes the Christian way of life is given by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith and not by sight.” 

Leaders must set the example. There is no greater example than a life characterized by continually walking in step with the qualities described in God’s word.

Consider the influence of a leader who lives each day by faith. They walk with God. They put others above themselves. They seek things above, not of this earth.

Leaders, we need to keep on walking.