Tag: Family

Timing is Everything

Timing is everything. How many times have we heard this statement or one similar? Yet, it is true on a number of levels.

When addressing a delicate situation, timing is everything.

When faced with life changing decisions, timing is everything.

When waiting for answers to test results, timing is everything.

When confronting a family member, fellow worker or employee, timing is everything.

God reminds us there is an appointed time for everything (Ecc. 3:1).

If we step back, think for a moment, and ask ourselves, “Is this the right time to continue in this direction?” maybe we can handle whatever life throws our way.

Whatever It Takes

Is leadership worth it? Are we not better off to let someone else lead? Why not focus on ourselves and our family? Would life not be easier?

Think about how it affects us on a personal level.

Will the long-term results be worth the decision?

If we relinquish the opportunity to lead, will we be content for our children to follow someone or something else?

If brethren decide to follow the path of error, will we accept the consequences for our choice not to lead?

When we weigh it all out, we will probably find that leadership is worth whatever it takes!


Life is filled with opportunities. We may choose to pass or act on an opportunity. The possibility also exists that we will neither pass or act on an opportunity because we fail to see it.

Whether we see an opportunity or fail to see it, what a blessing to know God works in our lives daily. He provides us with opportunities to grow closer to Him, recognize the beauty of His handiwork, develop a stronger faith, help and encourage others, love family and friends, work and earn a living, remember those who changed our lives, and the list is unending.

Opportunities abound if we look.


Spiritually, we are blessed by God to share in the fellowship of a spiritual family, His church. The beauty of this relationship is our oneness, regardless of the color, age, gender, nationality, educational background, or social status. In God’s family none of these matter. What matters is our relationship with God through Christ.

Physically, we are also blessed to have those we love and who love us. Our physical family is not always biological in nature. Whatever the bond that brings us together, there is something special about family. All of our relatives make us uniquely our own. We may not always agree, but we have each other.

For Life

Have you ever considered the power behind the two words, for life?

When vows are exchanged, the thought takes on a new significance.

There will be challenging days ahead, but they will be faced together because of these two words.

Family problems will arise, but they will be met powerfully when for life is understood.

Difficulties with health will occur, but they will be overcome when faced for life.

Leadership is the same. Assuming we understand our influence, leadership is for life.

It is an opportunity, not a chore. A privilege, not drudgery.

We can make a difference when we are committed for life.

Leadership Character

What image describes good leadership? Based on many leadership discussions, the canvas would be filled with images of character, service, compassion, vision, and more.

The image of character is a wonderful place to begin.

Character is a choice made by each individual. Wayne Dyer said, “Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.” Therefore, when we blend all our choices together, we find a picture of character.

Maybe this explains why Joshua urged Israel to make the choice he made for his family, one of “serving the Lord.” Perhaps, it is the choice we should make also.

Deliberate and Intentional

How many times have you procrastinated when making decisions? Your intentions were good because you were waiting for the “right time.”

This can happen when beginning a family, i.e. getting married or having children. We also see it in areas of career choices. I’ve heard, “If you don’t love what you do, then do something else. Life is too short to not enjoy what you do each day.”

Our lives should be deliberate and intentional. Once we choose the area we are most passionate about, then jump in. When we do what we love the most, joy finds a way into our lives.

Seize the Day

People often need a specific day to work on changes in their life. Some start working on better habits in life and others find ways to stop bad ones.

Recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Is today a new beginning to lead a…

Soul to the light of our Savior?
Straying brother or sister to the family of God?
Deeper study into the truths of God’s word?
More passionate approach to speak with God in prayer?

Whatever the need, every day is a new beginning. Let us achieve spiritual leadership for our Lord in this day.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?


Having a “rule of life” gives you meaning and hope for what the future holds.

A rule of life changes the way you see God, develop family, and influence others.

Remember, your rule of life should incorporate your understanding of God, His working in your life, and your desire to glorify Him.

Have you ever considered writing a rule of life?
Have you considered why you pursue what you do in life?
What do you want to achieve and get out of life?

At some point share your rule of life with others and think about how it can benefit you and your family.