Tag: Family

Power of Praise

Criticism is part of life. We are criticized for job performance, choice of clothes, friends, use of money, etc.

Criticism can be negative or positive. How we use it is critical to the formation of our leadership.

Robert Collier said, “Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement — and we will make the goal.”

Consider the difference a little praise and encouragement makes. Whether family, friends, co-workers, or people met on a day-to-day basis, if we learn to be less critical of others and provide a bit of praise or encouragement, we might be surprised at the difference in leading them to greater success.

What Do We See?

Vision is not just about sight, but insight to see beyond what is right in front of us.

When we look at the world around us, what do we see?
When we look at our neighbors and friends, what do we see?
When we look at our families, what do we see?
When we look at the church, what do we see?
When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

Our vision strongly affects the way we see others and ourselves. Our vision is foundational to our understanding of and approach to the urgency before us.

Happy New Year

We pray that 2021 will be the best year for you, your family,
and your work in the Lord’s kingdom.

Your Last Day…

What would you do if you knew today was your last day on earth? Spend time with family? Express your love for someone?

Would you give away your possessions to someone less fortunate?

Would you settle a disagreement with an estranged friend?

Would you help someone reach their potential?

From a Christian perspective, the value of one day makes leadership much more vital. Nothing would be more important than making sure others knew about Jesus.

The reality is neither you or I are guaranteed tomorrow. Today may be our last day. Make this day valuable and seek a way to lead someone to Christ.

The Right Motive…

Paul emphasized that slaves are to render obedience to their masters with sincerity, as though they were serving Christ, not by way of eye service, simply to please an earthly master.

We live in a society that thrives on image. We have a great concern for appearance, because of how we think others see us.

Godly leaders seek to please the Lord. To the church at Corinth, Paul expressed that pleasing the Lord should be our ambition.

Our family, people at work, neighbors, and fellow Christians are all watching. When we consider our conduct, is it because we want to please those who watch or is our motive to please God?

Grateful and Blessed…

I am blessed when it comes to leading my family, blessed in more ways than I can express in one post. Let me share my greatest blessing.

Today, my wife celebrates a special day.

It is a day that reminds me how thankful I am she was born, how thankful I am God orchestrated our union, how thankful I am for the family we’ve made together, and how thankful I am to walk alongside someone as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside.

I am blessed to lead such an amazing woman, Christian example, and my best friend on this journey through life. Happy Birthday my love.


Balancing Our Time…

The most valuable commodity we have is time. While we all have exactly the same amount of time each day, how we use our time makes the difference.

Paul instructed Christians to walk with wisdom making the most of their time (Ep. 5:15-16). How?

Contrast the amount of time spent over the past week in activities with a self-centered focus, others-directed focus, and spiritual focus. Is there a proper balance?

Check the balance of time spent in work and with family.

A few simple questions, a little evaluation, and refocusing our direction helps us use our time more wisely.

Consistent Leadership…

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

One of the greatest forms of hypocrisy occurs when parents tell their children to live a certain way, yet do not live by the same standard.

I am not saying that parents need to be perfect, regardless of the standard under consideration. However, there needs to be consistency.

Children push limits as close to the line as possible and measure every action by the consistency of parental guidance.

The foundation must be laid here. When we fail, admit it, apologize, and make restitution. Never excuse it…ever!

Help children understand the purpose behind the standard and live consistently by it.

Leading God’s Family…

Nothing is more comforting than going home after being away.

The defining qualities of home make all the difference.

Home is special because we belong, we are members of a family or household.

Spiritually, the church is where we belong, where we are members of God’s family. Perhaps this is why the Bible speaks of the eternal dwelling God has prepared for us.

While on earth, the church should provide the same comforts of home.

Opposite of the corporate body, often connected to the church, leaders need to encourage and strengthen the idea of the church as family…home.

The Worth of Leadership…

What is leadership worth to our spouse? Children? Church family? Us?

Let us focus on the idea of worth.

Most of us find our worth in what we do. The value of what we accomplish, the skills we possess, the praise of others for a job well done, or our level of achievement seems to determine our worth.

However, nothing we do has greater worth than fulfilling our God-given roles as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. 

We need to express this more within our families.