Tag: Fasting

Practical Leadership

The word practical is based in and comes from the word practice. Practice not only indicates an activity that is to be accomplished, it also involves a discipline of continuing to work on the activity to improve the quality of the product or result.

Consider how this idea changes the involvement of those who follow when there is a practical approach to the programs implemented to reach goals.

Leaders are needed who think, act, and lead practically.

Discipline must follow.

Followers are needed who know how to practically apply this leadership.

Several spiritual disciplines (prayer, study, fasting, etc.) promote a practical approach for developing godly leaders.

Practical Leadership…

When something is practical, action is required. If something is practical, it is suitable for a particular purpose. Practice, which comes from practical, indicates a discipline to improve the quality of the activity.

Application within leadership is an area that deserves attention.

Consider how leadership changes the involvement of those who follow when there is a practical approach to programs.

Leaders are needed who think, act, and lead practically.

Followers are needed who know how to make practical application.

Several spiritual disciplines (prayer, study, fasting, etc.) point to the character of leadership and promote a practical approach for developing others to leader.