Tag: Financial

Time and Energy

When the only value people feel they provide for an organization is from a financial perspective, then the long-term structure crumbles. We all desire to know that the time and energy we contribute to growth has value, not just financially.

If we can incorporate the same into our spiritual leadership, the response is the same. Consider the benefit to the church when Christians see leaders give of their time and energy. The result is huge in raising the level of trust and the desire to achieve the vision set forth by leaders.

Be The Rainbow

Without exception, we all experience days that are unpleasant. These days can be clouded by the challenges of life, e.g. family problems, health issues, financial struggles, relational matters, etc.

Maya Angelou once said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

We should all want to follow such leaders and, better yet, emulate them.

Learn to smile more. A friendly smile can make all the difference in someone’s day.

Genuinely ask about someone’s day. People need to know someone cares.

Learn to listen to the words, tone of voice, and body language. Listen with our ears, eyes, and heart.

Leadership Ambition…

Ambition involves a desire to achieve something, usually requiring determination and hard work.

The difficulty arises when we consider where our ambition lies.

Are we ambitious to achieve financial security?

Is our ambition driven by power and authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities?

Or, can we say our ambition is motivated by a spiritual focus?

When our leadership is driven by the kind of ambition that seeks to please the Lord, the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.