Tag: Future

Leadership Potential…

Potential involves the possibility of something occurring if the right conditions or circumstances are in place as well as the capacity of someone to become or develop into something in the future.

How do leaders determine someone’s potential?

Three basic areas exist.

1) Actions. What has been done in the past lays a foundation for the future.
2) Abilities. No one can grow beyond their abilities, but they can change with training and practice.
3) Attitude. When a positive attitude exists, along with determination, potential is unlimited.

When leaders recognize potential, they can set greater goals for the future.

Leading in the Present…

Where have we been? Where are we now? Where do we want to go?

Nido Qubein once claimed, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

Yesterday’s choices often determine our present circumstances. The choices we make today determine the consequences we live with tomorrow.

As we consider our present circumstances, we must make a choice, but make the choice understanding the impact it will have on tomorrow.

The starting point we have today can make all the difference in how we move into the future and prepare for a greater life, physically and spiritually.

Yesterday and Today…

Between yesterday and today, leaders dream about the future, envision possibilities, and plan ways to achieve greatness in the Lord’s kingdom.

We cannot change the past. We can only learn from it, look ahead, and make the right changes.

Remember three simple principles.

1) No matter where the road leads, God is with us and for us.
2) It is worth whatever the price to leave an example worth emulating.
3) The strength to achieve any task is measured by the desire to succeed.

The moment between yesterday and today is an opportunity to make a difference for tomorrow.

Leading with Optimism…

Pessimism or optimism? The choice is ours.

Although the author is unknown, the thought is powerful, “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right.”

Fear is real. No matter how we might deny or ignore its existence, if left unchecked, fear can stop us in our tracks.

Fear of what could go wrong also causes us to worry and dwell on negativity, both of which bring a great level of unpleasantness.

When we focus on what can go right, we lead with a vision of tomorrow that promotes hope and gives people something to believe in for the future.

Creative Leadership…

Think about the creative nature of God as He designed the universe. Consider the incredible creative design of the human body.

Creativity surrounds us everywhere we go. The ability of the human mind to use imagination to draw, paint, build, sculpt and do a million other things demonstrates the creative nature of people made in the image of God.

When it comes down to leadership, a little creativity goes a long way in helping others reach their potential.

The same is true when sharing vision for the future. Leaders need the ability to go there in their mind first before helping others see it.

Long-Term Leadership…

What personal goals do we have for next year, or maybe ten years from now?

Have we considered the consequences of our decisions, especially when they involve spiritual growth over the next ten years?

Leaders assist others to think about long-term. The need is great if we plan to move toward a future with strong godly character.

Every decision has some form of consequence, good or bad, now and for the long-term.

A thoughtful process of examining these consequences will help us shape the future for our own lives and for those we lead.

Unprecedented Leadership…

Unprecedented seems to be the most common description of 2020, more specifically, the coronavirus pandemic. As uncertainty looms, how do leaders respond?

As we explore the possibilities, one factor is clear: Returning to the way things were before is not a reality, at least not in the foreseeable future.

Perhaps we should ask if returning to the way things were before is best for the church.

Crises present opportunities. How we approach these opportunities impacts the direction of the church and her leaders.

During these times, let’s focus on how to use these opportunities to lead in ways that grow the kingdom.

The Future of Leadership…

How great would it be to have a crystal ball and see what the future holds? Or, would it be? We might not like what we see.

Leadership is about the future. Spiritually, nothing is more important than the future.

Pragmatically, however, leaders must consider what the future of their leadership looks like.

Questions abound, yet in the end, we must plan today to ensure a future of growth and stronger leadership.

The future of leadership must be built on prayer.
Leaders should prepare with God’s word as their guide.
Tomorrow’s leaders must be encouraged today to be ready.

Pleasing Everyone…

An effort to please everyone is doomed to fail. Marco Rubio said, “We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.”

Sadly, the adage about the “squeaky wheel” is true. Those who complain the most and loudest tend to get action.

The church needs leaders who… 1) examine scripture to ensure decisions are biblical, 2) do not follow the flow of modern popularity, 3) never rush a decision, but do not hesitate between two opinions either, 4) make the decision, 5) remember, not every decision will please everyone.

The responsibility of decisive leadership is crucial to the future.


Memories are good and bad. There are times, events, and people we remember fondly because of the joy experienced. There are also times, events, and people we want to forget because of the negativity experienced.

It would be wonderful if our only memories were positive and fond. However, we know it does not work this way. Memories serve to help us if we learn to do a couple of important steps.

Repeat what works and is successful.

Avoid the consequences experienced and overcome.

If we do so, the future holds greater memories when we recall them.