Tag: Gift


The ultimate deliverance was accomplished by Jesus at the cross. The result brought deliverance from our bondage to the consequences of sin.

This deliverance is identified as salvation, forgiveness, grace, and the indescribable gift.

It is the result of God’s immeasurable patience and love. Consider the lengths taken by God to provide for our greatest need and think for just a moment.

Our spiritual leadership is defined by it. The souls all around us depend on it.

A Gift

Every company depends upon physical, financial, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual contributions. Without these gifts, success is hindered.

The development of our spiritual leadership hinges on what we contribute to the work. Are we giving whatever it takes to the needs that exist? Will our contribution make a difference?

When we contribute to the spiritual development of God’s kingdom, we know God will take what we have planted and make it grow.

Make a contribution today that leads others to know Jesus better. It is a gift worth giving.

Talented Purpose

Every individual has talent in one way or another. Some have more and some less, but everyone has talent.

We need to remember a statement made by Jose Marti, “Talent is a gift that brings with it an obligation to serve the world, and not ourselves, for it is not of our making.”

Talent is a gift. We all have opportunities to develop our talent. Through education or experience we can develop natural gifts and improve our talents.

We also have an obligation to use our talents to serve the greater good. The talent we have is not of our making. We must fulfill our obligation to serve others.

A Patient Leader

Biblical patience has an object, not patience for the purpose of patience, but for the sake of another.

The obstacles to patience include segmenting, regulating, and hoarding time, as well as, exalting productivity and the desire for speed.

Patience can be cultivated by remembering our relationship with God, including God’s patience with us in those times we were stumbling through life trying to determine our place in God’s redemptive story.

We also cultivate patience by thinking of time differently––as a gift instead of a commodity.

Demonstrating patience helps support the strength of leadership as others are led to see the working of God through Christ in their lives.

The Gift of Today

What exactly does each day provide for our leadership? We have an opportunity to:

…reflect on yesterday and decide how to make changes for the day ahead.

…focus on today’s priorities realizing this may be the only day we are given.

…prepare ourselves for the day the Lord returns or we are called to Him.

…share the gospel with others who may never have another opportunity.

…share the depth of our love with those we often take for granted.

Each day is a gift from God. Recognize it and seek ways to live a fulfilling life in service to Him.

Becoming More

Do we see life as a gift? If so, what stewardship goes with the gift?

Since there is a privilege, opportunity, and responsibility attached to this stewardship, what will we do? Are we content with the status quo? Will we strive to excel in using our God given abilities to the fullest potential?

Life is not an opportunity to focus on self. In fact, when we focus on ourselves, our view of life is biased and we are more about taking than giving.

We have a great gift and it is up to us to do something that benefits the lives of others by becoming more.

A Leadership Gift

People tend to enjoy receiving gifts. Usually, we appreciate the intent more than the price. I like the way Paul said it, “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

Paul was willing to give of himself in every way if it benefited others. Specifically, he desired their salvation.

In a self-serving world, it is challenging to find leaders who desire more to give than receive. As spiritual leaders, we focus on giving ourselves so others might be saved.

Our prayer should be to see the ways we can spend and be spent in the Lord’s service.

Finding Our Strength (Part 2)

Where does the strength we need come from when we find ourselves in difficult times? Consider two possibilities.

1) Find a way to express your feelings and share the burden with someone. One of the most helpful avenues to find strength is through expression, which can take numerous forms: writing, singing, talking, physical activity, and more.

2) Remember God’s goodness and trust He knows our plight. An area that provides strength is memory. The ability to remember is a precious gift. While we often remember the negative side of life, we also remember God’s providential blessings. He will see us through.

Fire-Lighting Leadership

Who are the fire-lighters in your life? We all have them and we need those who are able to say or do that one thing that excites the passion within us to act and achieve.

Leaders also need to light the fire in others. Whose fire are you lighting?

Your words and actions have the power to create motivation in the lives of others. The result changes the world.

When you extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or give the most valuable gift, you make an eternal difference.

Be the leader God called you to be in this world.

One Minute…

What is the value of one minute if it means catching or missing a flight?

Would one minute mean more if we knew it meant missing an accident?

When we sit around doing nothing, minutes pass by quickly and we give little thought to them.

If we are anticipating the arrival of friends or loved ones, that minute can feel like an eternity.

Every minute is a gift from God.

The treasure connected to one minute can make a difference of eternal consequence.

For leaders, the value of one minute is worth what we put into it, even if it is the first minute of eternity.