Tag: Goals

Present Circumstances

On occasions a nugget comes through and it is exciting to read and share with others, especially in leadership matters. Today is that day.

Nido Qubein said, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

The tendency most of us share is allowing present circumstances to determine where we can go and results in limited possibilities.

However, when we see our present circumstances as merely the starting point, the possibilities become unlimited.

Present circumstances provide leaders with a great launching/starting point for moving forward to achieve desired goals.

Finish Well

One of the strongest and most exciting areas of developing any project is the beginning. The morale and enthusiasm are high as the wheels begin turning.

Because we are often a short-sighted, immediate satisfaction, and gratification oriented people the long range goals can, at times, fail to reach fruition.

Weariness, stress, slow movement, and discouragement set in and cause us to forget or lose sight of the excitement the original goals provided.

Instead of giving way to the pressures of accommodating the latest whim, let us stay the course and finish well.


Potential often describes the possibility of something occurring if the right conditions or circumstances are in place.

Potential also relates to the capacity of someone to become or develop into something in the future.

Three basic areas exist when considering ways to determine potential.

Actions: What has been done over the past five or ten years that lays a foundation for the future?

With training and practice, abilities can change. What exists that can be built upon?

When a positive attitude and determination exists, potential is unlimited.

Potentially speaking, leaders can examine these three areas and set powerful goals for the future.

Mentoring…part 4

The mentoring relationship is a mutual relationship designed to establish and achieve specific well-defined goals.

These goals are connected to developing the ability to know, think, and perform.

The ultimate purpose and design of mentoring is to create a relationship that nurtures learning.

A number of elements essential for a learning-centered mentoring program include: reciprocity, learning, relationship, partnership, collaboration, mutually defined goals, and development.

The design is to promote stronger relationships that motivate, inspire, and contribute to development and growth.

This relationship is collaborative and channeled to achieve a support system of success. The mutuality in mentoring increases the viability of the desired purpose in the relationship.


At times, leaders are asked to leave and sometimes they choose to leave. How a leader walks away determines the nature of how they are remembered.

Shattered farewells leave everyone hurting.

Divisive farewells leave followers turned against one another.

Venomous farewells leave a feeling of animosity, anger, distrust, and a lack of direction.

Gracious farewells leave followers united with a greater dedication to achieve the established vision, goals, and will of God that strengthen the overall good of everyone.

At some point, we say goodbye and when the time comes we must decide the level of integrity and Christlike character we will demonstrate.

Hold the Helm

Consider a statement made by Publilius Syrus, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Perhaps we could say, “It is not difficult to have faith when life is going well.”

The challenge to faith (holding the helm) involves trusting that God is in control and engaged in life, that He looks out for your best interest even when life is not going well.

Spiritual leaders will face numerous storms, disbelief in the vision and goals often exists, jealousy that creates doubt in your motives, and gossip, slander, and malice spread discrediting you.

Hold the helm! Remain strong in the faith! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus! Continue to lead!


In times of discouragement, “just keep putting one foot in front of the other” is sound counsel. This emphasizes the forward progress needed to succeed. Regardless of the goal, if forward progress is made, eventually we will reach our goal.

Martin Luther King Jr. added intensity when he said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

The tenacity and determination needed to continue this forward progress as leaders is obviously easier said than done.

Resistance may come, but when vision provides direction, let nothing keep you from success.

Planning Changes

Once we recognize both the high and low points of leadership development, we can strategically plan to build on that foundation and improve our leadership.

Once we acknowledge the area we would change, we can now plan to make that change as we move forward.

Once we consider the individual(s) we could invest our time in, we can develop a mentoring plan that allows us to give the most valuable gift – ourselves.

Once we know where we were, where we are, and where we want to be, everything we plan involves the changes necessary to achieve our goals.

Bleed the Vision

As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and strive to achieve our goals.

What we do the day after the goal is reached makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

But…do not lose sight of the vision. As one individual identified, leaders who “bleed the vision” are needed.

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on our “Why.”

Vision and Mission

In an effort to develop a vision and mission statement, we often get the ideas reversed, and rightfully so, since they are interrelated.

The mission of an organization, specifically the church, describes “what to do.” The foundation is built on the purpose of our existence and the mission directs every decision for all related activities.

The vision describes what we desire to see as a result of the mission. The vision takes into consideration the image of the future that connects the long-term desires with achievable goals.

We must communicate both the vision and mission if we hope to achieve any level of success.