Tag: Goals


In times of discouragement, “just keep putting one foot in front of the other” is sound counsel. This emphasizes the forward progress needed to succeed. Regardless of the goal, if forward progress is made, eventually we will reach our goal.

Martin Luther King Jr. added intensity when he said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

The tenacity and determination needed to continue this forward progress as leaders is obviously easier said than done.

Resistance may come, but when vision provides direction, let nothing keep you from success.

Planning Changes

Once we recognize both the high and low points of leadership development, we can strategically plan to build on that foundation and improve our leadership.

Once we acknowledge the area we would change, we can now plan to make that change as we move forward.

Once we consider the individual(s) we could invest our time in, we can develop a mentoring plan that allows us to give the most valuable gift – ourselves.

Once we know where we were, where we are, and where we want to be, everything we plan involves the changes necessary to achieve our goals.

Bleed the Vision

As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and strive to achieve our goals.

What we do the day after the goal is reached makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

But…do not lose sight of the vision. As one individual identified, leaders who “bleed the vision” are needed.

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on our “Why.”

Vision and Mission

In an effort to develop a vision and mission statement, we often get the ideas reversed, and rightfully so, since they are interrelated.

The mission of an organization, specifically the church, describes “what to do.” The foundation is built on the purpose of our existence and the mission directs every decision for all related activities.

The vision describes what we desire to see as a result of the mission. The vision takes into consideration the image of the future that connects the long-term desires with achievable goals.

We must communicate both the vision and mission if we hope to achieve any level of success.

Leadership Commitment

Leaders must be committed to fulfilling the vision for the organization. We also understand the need for commitment to achieve our goals each year.

Among several possibilities, have we ever considered our level of commitment to others? Simon Sinek says, “Leadership is always a commitment to human beings.”

To separate our commitment to leadership from our relationship to people is to miss leadership completely. Without a commitment to people, without the people component in our leadership, the only remaining possibility becomes egocentric and self-driven.

Our leadership must achieve greater heights for the cause of Christ. May we always be committed to others in our leadership.

A Leader or Leadership?

What is the difference in leadership and being a leader?

Certain authors who write about leadership indicate 2-3% of people in the world are leaders. Another segment of authorship claims everyone has influence. Thus, we are all leaders to a degree. The exercise of our influence may determine the type of leader we are or are not.

Leadership, however, seems to indicate the use of power to direct a group of individuals toward an objective, purpose, vision, or certain goals associated with these areas.

If we make this distinction, then the number of those who possess the authority to direct is fewer. Additionally, few desire this authority.

The Middle

As the days, weeks, months, and years fly by, taking a moment somewhere in the middle to evaluate and ask a few questions seems appropriate.

What have we done to reach our goals and achieve the vision? Would our assessment indicate progress, or are adjustments needed to move forward? Should our goals be raised because we aimed too low, or lowered because we were too ambitious initially?

Midway allows us to evaluate our progress to determine how we lead into the future. From this position we have a better perspective of what the future looks like and how we can cast a greater vision for what lies ahead.

What If…Part 2

Yesterday, I posed this question: What would we do if we knew we could not fail?

The challenge is to see a much bigger picture. Consider the following: If we could not fail…

Would we talk to the neighbor across the street?

Set greater goals for reaching the lost in our city, state, or country?

Approach world missions with loftier efforts?

I ask this because we can’t fail! The Bible reminds us that not one of God’s good promises ever failed.

He is with us and for us, and “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). Why are we waiting?

Confidence and Credibility

Solomon expressed how the end is better than the beginning.

The thought expressed indicates the satisfaction and joy that accompanies the achievement of a goal. His statement also indicates confidence and credibility.

Reaching the end of the matter strengthens confidence in the leader. As each victory is achieved, leaders grow with confidence for setting out to accomplish the next goal.

When leaders reach the end of the matter, it is an indicator of success, and success breeds credibility for those who follow.

When we enjoy success at the end of the matter, it builds confidence which strengthens our credibility.

A Tenacious Leader

Think for a moment about the nature and application of tenacity for leaders.

When talking about how to face challenges, leaders hold tenacity.

When working through personal problems, leaders demonstrate tenacity.

When establishing direction, leaders portray tenacity.

When developing plans for the future, leaders lead with tenacity.

When needing to achieve the goals, leaders carry tenacity.

When seeking guidance in tough decisions, leaders exemplify tenacity.

Developing a persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.