Tag: Goals

The Ecstatic Leader

Leaders are responsible for solutions, maintaining a positive morale, and addressing the challenges head-on in order to keep the organization moving forward.

Rarely do we associate the idea of glamorous with leadership.

Consider the impact a leader has when their energy level is the driving force to accomplish goals.

What it comes down to is a decision. We can permit ourselves to be drawn into the negative side of leadership, or we can choose to step up with a different approach, changing direction in ways that influence others toward greater achievement.

Either way, the choice is ours. Let us make an ecstatic impact.


As we begin 2022, execution cannot be overstated. All the resolutions in the world are merely words without execution. Goals and plans are simply ideas on a piece of paper without execution. Regardless of how good your ideas may be, they are worthless without execution.

James Clear recently said it this way, ”If you’re not working hard, ideas don’t matter. The best idea is worthless without execution. If you’re already working hard, ideas are crucial. Most effort is wasted on mediocre ideas.”

Develop a team of strong idealists who are willing to work hard at reaching the goals and vision.

No Retreat

At times, it can be easy to give up on something before finishing it, to turn and go the other way. The decision to go the opposite direction can seem quick and easy.

Leaders must possess a different mindset. We cannot, we must not allow the challenges of reaching our desired goal prevent us from finishing well.

Remember the greater good of the cause for which you are working, surround yourself with affirmations that point to reaching the goal, and make sure the right people are involved in doing the job.

Avoid the retreat mentality and move forward with confidence.

Incidental Leadership

The word “Incidental” means to accompany something without being a major part of it, but what does that mean for leadership?

Incidentals are never planned when leading. At times, the unexpected happens.

We find incidentals in various areas surrounding leadership. People and plans are directly connected to every organization, but not always a major part of goal planning. However, they are essential to assist the ability and opportunity to move along more smoothly.

Incidentals may not always occur when we want, nor the way we want, but they can provide a wealth of benefit in leadership when understood and used correctly.

Inspiring Leaders

Defining leadership becomes more complex by the day. Books, blogs, and dictionaries are constantly modifying ways we think about leadership.

For the past 100 years, definitions seem to indicate the same challenges. Each decade introduced new political figures and challenges to the country that influenced the way leadership was defined.

One consistent fact about leadership, regardless of the time, country, or political power, is the influence leaders have through inspiring others to act toward achieving a goal.

When leaders exercise this ability, they unite a force that keeps everyone focused on the goal and the implementation of plans necessary to reach the goal.

Leaders in Progress

When we think of progress, we often think of a forward movement toward a specific destination. However, we must also think in terms that can be measured.

One of the challenges leaders face in making progress is the result of thinking qualitative, rather than quantitative. We have a vague idea, but can’t really determine if we are making progress or not.

Leaders must establish short- and long-term goals that enable everyone to see progress. Here is where we ignite enthusiasm and greater involvement follows.

Get out of the status quo rut and take the initiative to lead from the front.

Leading with Respect

Regardless of the environment or situation, people want leaders who respect and value how they contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

Few areas, however, gain respect more quickly than by showing respect to and for others. A couple of suggestions include: 1) attention given to work accomplished, 2) time to build relationships, 3) accepting responsibility and giving accountability, 4) transparency, and 5) trust.

Leaders who strive to gain, earn, and achieve respect lead with heart. They touch the lives of those who follow and change the power of teamwork in the growth of any organization.

Directional Leaders

Direction is the course taken to reach a destination.

What steps are needed to establish a consistent direction to reach our goals? Formulating steps provides direction for everyone involved in the project.

Do we, as leaders, know the direction necessary to accomplish the desired goal? If the answer is no, then we need to evaluate what we do and where we go.

Is the direction clear enough for others to understand and follow to reach the desired goal? Again, if the answer is no, then we need to think about communicating the direction more effectively.

Having direction is essential for reaching our destination.

Defining Leadership Character

What characteristic defines our leadership? When we examine that characteristic closely, are we able to recognize what makes it distinct?

The defining nature of our leadership sets us apart as leaders. This distinctiveness enables us to have the kind of influence needed to help others reach their potential, to become all God wants for them.

Leaders carry the responsibility of developing the kind of character that creates a distinction for their influence. This distinction provides defining qualities of leadership that make a difference.

Consider the following:

1) Learn what is necessary to achieve the goal.
2) Determine to do whatever it takes.
3) Be patient.

Complexity of Leadership

Life is complicated. Just when we feel like we have a good handle on it, something changes. Even when we have a vision, spend hours setting goals and establishing plans, there seems to always be that one item that throws us a “curve ball.”

Leadership can be tricky. As complicated as life can be, when leading others, the complexities increase.

Providing structure is essential to understanding the nature in which all the components required to achieve our vision are implemented.

This structure keeps everyone focused and active.

The work can be difficult, but when it is accomplished, everyone grows.