Tag: Goals

Contingent Leadership…

The one consistency facing leadership today is change. Apart from technology, science, medicine, etc., people change!

When leaders cast the vision, point others to the goal, and establish plans, change occurs. Several questions should be considered.

What contingency is in place when changes occur?
Are the consequences of a contingency minimal?
Will the contingency create a loss of morale?
Who will implement the contingency during the transition?
How will the contingency affect the overall vision and goals?
When is the appropriate time to initiate the contingency?

Answering a few questions can help negotiate challenges that occur when change is inevitable.

Goal-Setting Leaders…

Goals are one of the most needed areas of leadership, yet one of the most overlooked and misunderstood.

Our approach to goal-setting is often an exercise in wishful thinking and generalities.

Goals must be specific in nature. What are we seeking to achieve, exactly?
Goals must be measurable. What gets measured gets done.
Goals must be achievable. In other words, they are something we can accomplish.
Goals must be relevant. They must mean something and have value to us.
Goals must be time-bound. Without a time factor, it is just a wish.

As leaders, we need goals on a personal and congregational level, long and short-term. Success comes to those who set SMART goals.

Now What?

Now that the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are behind us, we consider “Now What?”

For some, it is back to the norm. Back to the grind. For others, it is time to focus on the vision. Fulfill our goals.

No matter which side we find ourselves, leadership demands we grow. We continue to work on ourselves, improve our ability to connect with others, and influence the lives of each person God beautiful orchestrates into our lives.

As a reminder, 2020 is the perfect year to focus on where we are headed and who we plan to become. 

Make this the best year EVER.

Goals for 2020…

Goals? It is that time a year…again! We say good-bye to 2019 and welcome 2020. Just the sound of 2020 builds on the concept of the vision we discussed yesterday. But, what about goals?

Everyone needs some sort of goals in their personal and professional life. We may have goals related to health, family, finance, career, education, etc.

However, when we think about goals for the year ahead try to remember the need to avoid just making wishes. Goals must follow the SMART acronym. 

On a personal level: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

On a professional level: Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-bound

Essentials of Leadership…

What is essential is necessary, which moves leadership to a new level.

However, what is essential and what is not?

Character: General Schwarzkopf said, “Leadership is the potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.”

Passion: Passion involves sacrifice, or what we are willing to give up to achieve the goal.

Vision: Vision is about seeing the unseen, or insight. We might call that faith.

Goals: David Swartz said, “Goals are as essential to success as air is to life.” Goals help us know where we are going. 

These are four essentials to our leadership.

Successful Leadership…

Success has been defined in numerous ways, but how we define and measure success is critical to leadership.

Here are a few suggestions to consider.

1) Setting smart goals and developing solid plans to achieve them

2) Growing spiritually stronger in relationship to God and others

3) Utilizing God’s word as the standard for decisions

4) Providing the right tools to assist others reach their potential

Ultimately, changed lives are the true measure of success. We could say so much more, but the point is the same. As spiritual leaders, we must define and measure success by the lives changed within our sphere of influence.

Scared or Sacred Leadership…

Swapping two letters can make a big difference and it raises two questions.

Why is leadership so scary? The answers are abundant. The responsibility of leading people to eternity, knowing that leaders must set goals and plans, maintain morale, resolve conflict, provide solutions, etc., all contribute to why leadership can be a scary place.

How do we overcome the scared ground for sacred ground? Spiritual leadership is a God-given role and He will help us overcome. Time in prayer provides a more sacred footing and studying heroes of faith, as in Hebrews 11, help our approach to sacred ground.

This is a start and sometimes getting started is half the battle.

Earning Our Leadership…

“Earn your leadership every day.” Michael Jordan

While the list is not exhaustive, here are a few suggestions to earn our leadership.

1) Live life consistently.

2) Take responsibility for every word and action.

3) Lead in the fullness of core values.

4) Align goals with priorities.

5) Know what is worth dying for and live for it.

6) Help others reach their potential…always!

7) Be an active listener.

8) Show others life is more than just “being right.”

9) Demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

10) Understand the difference between image and reputation. 

These suggestions will help our leadership produce immeasurable benefits.

Directionally Challenged Leaders…

The problem? “I have no idea where I am going.”

A directionally challenged leader will always struggle. If we do not know where we are going, how can we lead anyone there? 

When spiritual leaders are directionally challenged, we have an even greater problem. 

What can we do?

Set smart goals. Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Look to the finish line. Distractions abound and we can easily get off course. Focus on a goal.

Trust in the Word. Amidst the numerous voices vying to be heard, one is constant. Listen to it!

Be open to learn. Never stop learning and being open to learn.

Knowing where we are going eliminates most challenges.

Successful Leading…

Success is linked to a vision, goals, and plans. 

A daily “to-do” list provides great value as we check off each item accomplished, and leaders understand that success is built upon daily achievement over an extended period.

What is the point? 

The only way we can enjoy true success is when we know where we are going and what we must do to get there.

Talking about a checklist for life and leadership has little meaning if we are not aware of both. We must determine where we want to go and develop a plan/checklist to help us get there.

If we desire to help people reach heaven, then think about how we will lead them there.