Tag: God

Inspiring Leadership

Biblically, we know that God inspired the authors of the Old and New Testaments to write with accuracy the words penned throughout each book and letter.

God did not remove the style, history, or culture of each person. He ensured that what was written was accurate and complete.

Although they are not inspired, leaders today should consider how they can inspire others to reach their potential.

Our son, Chase, once said, “You don’t have to be inspired to be inspiring.” With a little effort, each of us can achieve so much for the cause of our Lord and inspire others along the way.

The Leadership Line

Everyone has a line, a specific line that influences what we will or will not do. The line may fall into areas that involve our moral, ethical, or legal character.

The line is often adjustable and once moved, an effort to rationalize our decision ensues.

Our task is one of great magnitude and requires an understanding of where to draw the line. Consider the following.

1) God has already established and provided the line.
2) Consistency is critical in the development of godly character.
3) Remember the long-term consequences.

If we think first, where we place the line may make the difference.

The Process of Leading

The difficulty that arises in leadership is often connected to learning how to work through any process in order to reach the desired end.

Sadly, learning the process is where the problems begin to surface. The process of one activity or location may not be the same process in another.

The protocol changes depending on the people, culture, and model established.

When we are able to determine the process and work within it, we develop a greater measure of credibility and gain the kind of influence that assists us in becoming the people God intends.

Defining Leadership Character

What characteristic defines our leadership? When we examine that characteristic closely, are we able to recognize what makes it distinct?

The defining nature of our leadership sets us apart as leaders. This distinctiveness enables us to have the kind of influence needed to help others reach their potential, to become all God wants for them.

Leaders carry the responsibility of developing the kind of character that creates a distinction for their influence. This distinction provides defining qualities of leadership that make a difference.

Consider the following:

1) Learn what is necessary to achieve the goal.
2) Determine to do whatever it takes.
3) Be patient.

Wise Counselors

One of the key lessons in leadership involves surrounding ourselves with wise counselors.

Why is this so beneficial?

  1. Personal wisdom is usually developed on limited education and experience.
  2. Many counselors provide a wise approach to well-informed decisions.
  3. The strengths possessed by others compliments our weaknesses.
  4. The idea is sanctioned by the wisdom of our God.

Personal experience should remind us that when we further our own agenda, or seek a position of authority, we are in danger of traveling a destructive path.

Listen to the wisdom of those who have the knowledge and experience to guide us to greater achievement.

Risky Leadership

Leadership involves risks. The risks will often be great and challenging, but we cannot avoid them.

Not everyone is going to agree with the decisions made by leaders, regardless of the risk. Trying to please everyone is impossible.

Not making a decision may lead to greater risk.

The risk factor is primarily limited by the size of our faith.

The risks become minimal when we believe that our God is great and that He is involved every step of the way.
With God, the risks are worth taking.

An Expanding Leader

Expansion is the action of becoming larger or more extensive. Unless we are able to think bigger, plan larger, trust more, and implement options to achieve expansion, we will not grow beyond the shadow of our own leadership.

The challenge for leaders today is to eliminate the “status quo” and move forward to greater heights.

Expansion, whether we like it or not, is a part of God’s plan and we are privileged to participate in that plan.

Let us set our eyes on a greater horizon, a more global mindset, and implement plans to expand the borders of the Lord’s kingdom.

The Pioneer

The pioneering spirit is a rare quality today. Think about going where no one has gone before.

While we build on the successes and failures of others to improve who we are and where we are, we still need an edge to our leadership.

God can take us places and open doors that have never been reached if we are a willing tool in His hands.

Since God can do far more abundantly beyond all we ask or think, we need to start thinking bigger and stop limiting Him.

Adventuresome, pioneering, or any other word we choose, leaders need to walk this path.

A Matter of Trust

Can we trust someone simply because they say, “Trust me”?

Scripture is clear about the need for us to trust God and He is worthy of our trust.

Consider the opposite: Can God trust us? Do we have and demonstrate the type of character that is worthy of His trust?

Trust means we are faithful to our promise and we guard what has been entrusted to us.

God entrusted us with His word. If we are trustworthy we will be good students of His word and diligent to make application. When this happens, it makes it easier to share it with others.

Applied Leadership

What is the significance of the word – apply?

Biblically, it’s about acting, doing, or making something happen. Jesus claimed that wisdom is based both on hearing His words and applying them (Mt. 7:24-27). James warns of being self-deluded if we hear without application (Jas. 1:21).

What good does it accomplish to hear something that will improve our walk with God, help us mature in faith, or strengthen our relationships with others but do nothing?

Leadership requires us to provide an example of application if we ever hope to lead others.