Tag: God

What’s Missing?

What seems to be missing from the type of leadership God needs for His people?

If you were asked this question, how would you respond? What kind of answer would you give? What is missing in leadership today?

Perhaps the list would include courage, patience, wisdom, character, vision, compassion, or even decisiveness.

The answer to the question may rest in the nature of each situation. The culture in one congregation varies from that of another. The needs of one congregation are different from another.

Before we think about what’s missing somewhere else, maybe we should begin at home.

A Leader’s Devotion

The Greek word for devotion involves “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

The power behind the first part of the Greek definition is amazing. Devoted spiritual leaders will…

insist on staying close to people. Leaders learn the needs of the people. Helping others reach heaven demands a leader’s devotion.

insist on staying close to the plan. The plan is really the map. Leaders must not deviate from the plan, or the goal is unreachable.

...insist on staying close to the Lord. Leaders know the true source of their strength is not in themselves, but the Lord.

Take the Risk

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is an idiom related to risk. Few areas in life witness true and great success without some level of risk.

The willingness to take risks opens us up to an area that allows God to demonstrate the greatness of His power, exceeding our ability to think.

Instead of hiding behind a fear that inhibits our growth and development as the church, leaders need to explore the possibilities of what can happen if we just allow God to work through us, beyond the comfort zones of our past traditions and extend our abilities into areas that promise faith and hope.


Having a “rule of life” gives you meaning and hope for what the future holds.

A rule of life changes the way you see God, develop family, and influence others.

Remember, your rule of life should incorporate your understanding of God, His working in your life, and your desire to glorify Him.

Have you ever considered writing a rule of life?
Have you considered why you pursue what you do in life?
What do you want to achieve and get out of life?

At some point share your rule of life with others and think about how it can benefit you and your family.

Fear and the Leader

Fear of the unknown can be challenging.

The task for spiritual leaders is to remove the unknowns for others. When considering death, there is a fear related to the
process of dying and what happens at death, the unknown.

Scripture teaches us the body will return to the dust, but the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the fear of death has been removed. The unknown has now been made known.

We can provide no greater confidence to others than sharing this hope. Because He lives, all fear is gone.

Comprehensive Leadership

All inclusive, complete, thorough, and extensive are a few terms that identify what it means to be comprehensive

Inclusive stands in contrast to exclusive. We need an inclusive approach to personal development and influential outreach.

A complete focus in leadership means assembling all the necessary parts to achieve the greatest extent or degree.

Comprehensive research involves thoroughly studying the material and people involved to determine appropriate conclusions.

Extensive leaders must think big, covering a large scope or scale, beyond their own thinking.

Comprehensive leadership involves an inclusive, complete, thorough, and extensive influence. When we make God a part of the equation, even the smallest plans become great.

Reaching Potential

How do we recognize the potential of an individual or a congregation? Actions, Ability, and Attitude.

Is it possible to take these three areas, grow in them, and reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?

Stop limiting God. Never think God “will not” do something because we think we “can’t”.

Start thinking BIG! Imagine what God could do through us if we started to think BIG!

Tell others about the possibilities. Telling others moves them into action, so start talking.

Develop a plan into smaller sections.
These smaller sections make the plan workable.

Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential. Don’t wait. Get started.

Potential is too important to wait.

Relevant Leadership…

In education, one motivating factor that contributes to learning is relevance of the material. When the objectives are clearly relevant, students are more driven to learn.

On a spiritual level, if any generation is to be reached, we must show how God’s word is relevant. The message never changes, but how we present the relevance of the message does.

Engaging others to follow our leadership hinges on relevance.

The beauty of God’s word is based on the fact it was written with every generation in mind. The challenge is relevance.

Leading as God designed requires an understanding of how to make the message relevant.

Discouragement and Leadership

We learn a great deal from Nehemiah as a leader. He was a man of prayer, passionate for God and his people, courageous in the face of opposition, and he encountered discouragement but was not distracted.

Threats from external enemies, ridicule, and plots of ambush, make it easy to see how one could get discouraged. Nehemiah, however, was not distracted. The task was great, his faith was strong, and nothing kept him from finishing the objective.

Leaders can get discouraged.

Satan wants to discourage leaders so they will quit.

We must be determined, strong in faith, prayerful, passionate, courageous, and un-distracted when finishing the objective.


Potential is an ability or capability with the possibility of being or becoming something.

In his book, 9 Things A Leader Must Do, Dr. Henry Cloud wrote, “One of the worst things you can die with is potential.”

What is our potential? How do we achieve our greatest potential? Reaching our potential requires risk, and that can be a bit uncomfortable.

Cloud also claims that “potential is something to be realized, not guarded or protected. So, dig it up! Invest it!”

Maximizing our potential enables us to help others reach their potential. Spiritually, when the potential of God’s people is unleashed, we will change the world.