Tag: God

A Healing Leader…

A thought expressed by a good friend is worth sharing. 

“I find a leadership lesson in the experience of helping the church heal. Leaders cannot allow themselves to see people as groups, as factions; we must see them individually. As leaders, we may preach to a congregation, but we teach one soul at a time. For, we never know which one might become the next leader.” Paul Myers

Read the last line again and let it sink in for a moment. We may proclaim the word of God to multitudes, but leadership is developed through transforming one soul at a time. 

Who might be the next leader where you serve?

A Spiritual Leader…

How should we define “spiritual” leadership? 

Here are a few possibilities. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on grace found in the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly. 
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in God’s providential working.

These are only 10 suggestions, but take a lifetime to develop as leaders. God’s word challenges us to grow into His spiritual leaders.

Catching Our Breath…

Have we ever considered how often God works to help us see the need to stop and smell the roses? 

In life, something always needs to be done. Life is full…and busy.

We’ve all heard the adage “the older we get the faster time goes by.” As we age and the pace of life steadily increases, we must realize the need to take a moment to catch our breath.

Leaders will always have something that needs to be done. We need to establish proper priorities and develop a strong work ethic, but occasionally, we need to take a moment to catch our breath.

A Model of Leadership…

A model provides an example to follow or emulate. Spiritual leaders must model several areas for others.

Model a Christian life. We are not perfect, but we can portray an example of those who work with our imperfections and improve how we approach life.

Model leadership. Not only should we love to lead, but we should live for it. We need to dig deeper and speak often about helping others learn to lead.

Model grace. The one word others need to hear from us is grace. We must believe in, live by, and trust completely in God’s grace. Hold on to God’s promise. 

May we always live the model of Christ before others.

Faith and Leadership…

Great faith is always amazing. Leaders need great faith. They need faith that is so big the only answer is God.

I’ve met a few leaders like this over the years. Recently, I was blessed to meet an elder that shared a moving story about how God showed up in incredible ways to provide a Christian Camp. 

The most impressive aspect of his character was his humility. While others expressed thanks for his role, he never accepted it. He knew only God made it happen. Over and over he said, “It was God’s dream. It was God’s work.” 

When leaders possess the kind of humility to acknowledge the power of God at work in this way, we are privileged to see great faith in action.

What if…

In a recent interview with Brandon Edwards, we discussed concepts about vision. 

Brandon shared a powerful thought about how to dream. Often times, people hear a big idea and tend to say, “Yes, but…” What follows is usually a reason why it cannot be done.

However, imagine what happens when we have an opportunity to dream and begin with, “What if…”

“What if” implies something big. When we think of a future so big that it can only be accomplished with God’s help, we are laying the foundation for the right kind of vision.

We need leaders who know how to say, “What if…”

A Legacy to Remember…

My father’s legacy consisted of the following.

For 30+ years he read the New Testament every month and the Old Testament twice each year.

He preached the gospel for over 50 years.

He was married to the same wonderful woman for 60 years, father to 4 children, grandfather to 9 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

He developed a series of lessons to share the gospel in a simplistic way with others.

He lived in and by God’s Word. He knew THE book!

He died with his Bible opened to the passage he was studying for his next sermon. Take a moment to read Philippians 2:16. 

He led untold numbers of people to know Jesus.

These are a few ways his legacy leaves an incredible example to follow.

A Tribute to a Great Leader…

Tributes to great leaders are numerous. From those who are famous to those who are personal, great leaders exist everywhere. 

My father demonstrated great leadership by the kind of friendship he demonstrated. All his friendships involved pointing people to heaven.

Nothing was more important to him. He was one of the best personal workers I have ever known. His approach and style to studying the gospel with others was one of kindness. He was gentle and patient, and his ability to lead others to an understanding of God’s word was unmatched.

May we all learn from his leadership and point others to heaven.

Measuring our Leadership…

One thing about leadership, everyone is watching. Children, spouses, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and the world. They are all watching. 

Andrew Carnegie once said, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

People listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and measure. How does our leadership measure up? 

God measured the leaders of His people to show them how they did not measure up to the standard He had given them. 

If God were measuring our leadership, how would we measure up?

While others are watching, God also watches. Will we measure up?

A Prerequisite for Leadership…

What prerequisites are needed for successful leadership? Good communicator? Solid character? Leadership ability?

While I realize choosing one prerequisite for leadership can be subjective, I have learned over the years the main prerequisite needed is a relationship with God.

Leaders often fail when attempting to go it alone.
Leaders blindly falter when leading from a humanistic worldview.
Leaders suffer needlessly because they seek help from worldly wisdom.

Only with the guidance, strength, and help of the Almighty God can we lead with this foundational prerequisite for successful leadership. Do we know Him?