Tag: God

Popular Leadership…

God told Israel, “You shall not follow the masses in doing evil” (Exodus 23:2). He understood the problems associated with following the majority.

We’ve all heard this thought, “What is popular may not always be what is right, and what is right may not always be what is popular.”

Simply because the majority is involved in something, does not mean the minority should follow.

Christians will always be in the minority. While spiritual leadership among the minority will face its challenges, it is necessary.

As the church, we have a responsibility to stand up for what is right, even though it may not be popular.

The Worth of Leadership…

What is leadership worth to our spouse? Children? Church family? Us?

Let us focus on the idea of worth.

Most of us find our worth in what we do. The value of what we accomplish, the skills we possess, the praise of others for a job well done, or our level of achievement seems to determine our worth.

However, nothing we do has greater worth than fulfilling our God-given roles as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. 

We need to express this more within our families.

Lead in Love…

An old Swedish Proverb says, “Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.”

Applying this thought challenges us on several levels. When we love and receive nothing in return, we feel unappreciated, helpless, and rejected.

In those moments we should remember how God feels when He loves and receives nothing in return. 

Leaders need to know that when we love those who least deserve it, two things happen: 1) We demonstrate a God-like spirit, and 2) We help those who really need to understand the nature of God’s love.

The effort is worth it when we consider the outcome. Lead in love!

Leadership Preparation…

Preparation today makes a difference tomorrow.

What are we preparing for today?

1) God’s guidance in seeking the right priorities.
2) Focus on what is important, not urgent.
3) Trust that if tomorrow doesn’t arrive, we accomplished what matters most.
4) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone, “I love you.”
5) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
6) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
7) Close the day with prayer giving thanks for the good and bad.

These are a few ideas, but regardless of what happens, if we follow them we will live a full life.

The Last Word In Leadership…

Do we ever feel like we need to have the last word? 

As spiritual leaders, we need to understand who, or perhaps what, should have the last word.

Many disregard, neglect, avoid, abuse, change, or rewrite it, but God’s word remains THE source for leadership.

It provides everything for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).
It remains the light to direct our steps (Ps. 119:105).
It instills hope when life is filled with doubt (Ro. 5:1-5).

His word never changes! 

If we use His word in our leadership, we will always change the lives of those who follow.

Surviving Leadership…

Few areas are more significant than the need for and priority of survival.

Leadership survival is a matter of extreme urgency for the church today.

Leaders struggle to survive challenges in matters of faith and practice.

Leaders must survive false accusations to their character by dissenters.

Leaders must develop survival skills against forces that would divide Christians.

The idea is often expressed, “Its lonely at the top.” While spiritual leadership is not about being at the top, leaders in the Lord’s church still face a measure of loneliness.

Perhaps this is why so few are willing to accept the role and responsibility.

Leading Unconditionally…

Reaching out and leading with unconditional love is difficult. 

We must be vulnerable emotionally, mentally, and physically. We must develop a compassion for the pain of others and a greater desire to get involved. 

The difficulty is learning to be genuine in our care for those who are not like us..

Loving unconditionally means there is nothing you can do or say to make me love you more and there is nothing you can do or say to make me love you less.

Unconditional love is what leads others to the Savior! When we demonstrate it, we lead with a God-given example.

People, People, People…

People are everywhere. Who are they? Where do they live? Where are they going? Do they believe in God?

The only way to know anything about people is to get involved in their lives. How can we lead them to Jesus without this connection?

We need to overcome fear, but what are we afraid of most? Rejection? Failure? Making a mistake? 

The application is true whether talking to a stranger at an airport or a neighbor across the street. 

Leading anyone to Christ involves moving past our fear and connecting to their lives. As challenging as it may seem, the connection of genuine love makes the difference.

Who Are We Leading?

Numerous stories describe the challenges of reaching the more affluent in our world today.

As difficult as it might be to admit, we know this is true.

Why the concern? If God chose the poor in this world to be rich in faith, and they are receptive, why do we not make greater efforts to share the gospel with them?

Why do we spend so much time focused on those who seemingly feel they do not need God because of their abundance?

We need to lead those with little or nothing in this life to a greater understanding of what God has prepared.

Unconditional Love…

One of the greatest needs in our world and one of the greatest challenges involves love. Without understanding God’s love we face an insurmountable obstacle.

God’s love is unconditional and therein lies the challenge.

Paul writes that God demonstrates His love toward us (Rom. 5:8).

Notice Paul did not say demonstrated, i.e. past tense. The word is present active. God demonstrates His love now and there is no assessment of it ever ending.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love toward them. We must show love even when they are not always the easiest to love.