Tag: Google

Leadership Development

Where do we begin with leadership development? The task is daunting. To illustrate, a Google search for “Leadership Development” indicates there are 2,590,000,000 possibilities to consider.

When we learn to specify areas of leadership development within the scope of the church or areas of spirituality, the field narrows.

Again, we discover the same struggle: where to begin. Perhaps we can begin by narrowing our search with two questions: 1) What needs exist? 2) What piques our interest?

The priority of where our leadership begins rests on the need. However, we will also find that areas of interest keep us motivated to grow in leadership.

Connected Leaders

Traveling often means looking for some way to connect to the internet. The internet is the tool through which we connect to others. Without it something is missing.

Try a Google search about leaders being connected. Within seconds you will discover millions of articles on the subject. I cannot exhaust them all in a few lines.

Leaders must be connected to those who are following, but how? Here are 5 suggestions.

1) Get involved in their lives.
2) Be more transparent.
3) Give others something to believe in.
4) Relate individually.
5) Give genuine compliments.

Facing Leadership Challenges…

Challenges are an active part of leading. Therefore, it serves leaders well to know how to approach them.

One place to begin is communication.

Google articles on communication in leadership abound. An article from Forbes shares ten secrets about communication in leadership. Let me share two.

1) Speak not with a forked tongue: Communication and character go hand in hand. When leaders demonstrate hypocrisy, people lose trust and will not follow.

2) Speak to groups as individuals: Leaders who establish a personal atmosphere when speaking, build a rapport where a leader is heard.

Check out the Forbes article for more.