Tag: Home


One of the greatest forms of hypocrisy occurs when parents tell their children to live a certain way, yet not live by the same standard themselves.

I am not saying you must be perfect, regardless of the standard under consideration. However, there needs to be consistency.

Children already push the limits as close to the line as possible and measure every action by the consistency of parental guidance.

We must develop a consistency in approaching how the standard is lived in the home.

When we fail to live up to the standard: admit it, apologize, and make restitution. Do not excuse it…ever!

Refuge of Home

Our children are influenced from a very young age. Our influence is far greater than we can imagine, until we see and hear the expressions of our influence expressed by our children.

Because this is true, as parents we need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in our own lives.

We need to set the kind of standard we are comfortable seeing expressed in the lives of our children. We face enough challenges in battling the worldly influence surrounding us.

Use the home as a refuge that is sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.


Nothing is more comforting than the thought of going home after being away.

A place where one lives permanently is significant to the nature of home. However, it is the defining qualities of home that make the difference.

While permanent, what makes it special is belonging to a family. Home is the place where we are accepted.

On earth, the church should provide the same expression of home. I am not referring to the physical structure where the church meets, but the value of relationships that bring us together as a family, where we belong and we are accepted.

Preparing Next Generation Leaders

A major downfall rests in the approach to succession planning for the next generation. A number of books address the next generation of leaders and how the future of the home, country, corporate world, and, above all, church requires our attention in this area.

What are we doing to prepare the next generation of leaders? Have we considered the consequences currently experienced in the church because previous generations lacked a plan? Will we passively watch from the sidelines as another generation arises without the proper preparation and tools to lead?

The longer we procrastinate the more difficult the journey becomes to equip the next generation of leaders.


Amazement is characterized by “overwhelming surprise or shock.” Jesus once healed a demon-possessed man and told him to go and tell his own people what great things God had done for him and how God had shown mercy. When he did, people were amazed.

Consider our influence in the lives of others. When people compare the person we were before with who we are now, are they amazed?

If not, maybe we need to stress more the great things God has done for us and how He has shown mercy.

Our leadership in the home, community, and church should be different when Jesus is part of the equation.

God’s Design for Leadership

God’s design involves the necessity of leadership in the home, church, and world. The foundation, however, that motivates us to establish leadership in each area narrows down to this one point: eternity matters.

Why would God’s design include the role of leadership within the home, church, and world? Because God knows eternity matters.

He understands the brevity of our life on this earth. He longs to share what He has prepared for us.

If we could wrap our minds around this great truth, eternity matters, our entire perspective just might change and the direction for every area of our life would become a bit more urgent.

Leading in the Home

Scripture indicates that God designed every area of leadership, beginning with the home.

God designed the home with leadership. Paul reminds us of that design, “The husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church” (Ep. 5:23). This explains why he instructs husbands, “Love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her” (v. 25).

Love indicates something significant in the direction of leadership. Husbands must give their best in the home.

To properly lead in other areas of life, we must build the right foundation in the home and ensure that husbands give their best in leading our wives and loving them as Christ loved the church.

Why Leadership…Part 3

I cannot exhaust the possibilities as to why we should study leadership, but let me share one concluding thought.

Eternity Matters: Above all else, the reason for studying leadership directs us to God’s plan beyond the physical realm. Yes, leadership is God’s plan. It is needed in the home, church, and in the lives of all people, and the reason is because eternity matters. If this one thought became the focus of all we do in life, every thought, word, and action, and every person that graced our path in life was seen in view of eternity, imagine the difference.

Why Leadership…Part 1

Why should anyone study leadership?

God: When we read the Bible, we find that God always placed individuals in positions of leadership for His people. God intends His people to be led. The same is true today.

The obvious breakdown of the home in our world introduces an urgency for leadership. Children deserve fathers and mothers who know how to lead as it is outlined in scripture. They need examples to follow. When leadership in the home breaks down, everything in society eventually follows.

These two areas provide a beginning point for our consideration as we dig more deeply into a study of leadership.

An Example To Follow

Always set an example others can emulate. How do we want others to behave at work, home, or in the church? We must model that behavior first.

The idea of expecting others to behave in ways we are unwilling to do ourselves is the greatest form of hypocrisy and a one-way ticket to losing credibility. Our conduct is all inclusive. We should never compartmentalize our lives into the way we behave on the job, at home, in the neighborhood, and around Christians. A disciple of Christ always lives a Christlike life 24-7-365.

Let us all resolve to provide an example worthy of others to follow.