Tag: Honor

Leading Children

Life changes with each heartbeat. When raising children, these changes in life raise questions.

What will happen? How will we raise them? There are times we ask, “Why did this happen?”

These are questions we tend to ask when facing moments of uncertainty. Our faith is challenged.

Leadership begins here, in the home. The foundation of a mother and father who are dedicated to make sure their children are loved and raised to trust, honor, know, and follow God.

We pray from the moment we learn of a child’s conception. When they enter this world, we pray for the wisdom to lead them all along the way.

Developing Leaders…

Randy Reese and Robert Loane suggest four elements as the groundwork for developing leaders: 1) a deepening work, 2) a particularizing work, 3) a hospitable work, and 4) a patient work. 

An especially noteworthy element involves the deepening work that focuses on growing leaders. 

Leadership development must dig below the surface to honor people by listening to how they talk about their lives, contexts, and future dreams. 

Above all, people need to know there is hope. Without hope, people loose focus on developing as leaders.

What are we doing today to ensure the development of leaders for the future?