Tag: Imbalance

Balanced or Imbalanced

Our lives fall into three major categories: home, world, and church. Amazingly, when we are out of balance in one, the other two are affected.

Leaders have a tremendous responsibility to cautiously approach the work consumption syndrome and not lose sight of the focus needed in the church and home. When we are imbalanced, everything suffers, even our work.

Ultimately, when the spiritual element of our life is not prioritized, nothing else works.

Our task begins with establishing the right priorities and leading from that position.

Pointing to Jesus

Is it too much to ask for directions?

Jesus said, “I am the way.”

John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus. Why do more not point to Him?

Looking into the eyes of people around the world, including our own country, reveals the same.

We often see physical needs. We provide food, clothing, transportation, housing, or training to develop work skills.

No one is opposed to helping others with physical needs. Jesus provided an example.

However, there is a great imbalance in our approach to the physical versus spiritual.

We need to show people the way to spiritual and eternal life. This is the task of spiritual leadership.