Tag: Improvement

Improving Others

Improving others is one of the greatest keys to successful leadership.

Jim Rohn said, “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”

The quality identified in this act is simple. We are talking about genuine love.

When leaders care for and demonstrate love for others they will always work to serve, placing the needs and desires of the other person above their own.

This attitude was beautifully exemplified in the life of Jesus and, as Christians, we have a responsibility to help the world to see Him in us.

Leadership Improvement

Improvement is defined as working to make someone or something better.

Athletes practice daily to improve their skills.

Professionally, continuing education classes are an attempt to improve abilities.

Spiritually, when we improve the spiritual life, the physical side cannot help but improve.

Our leadership must not be about us. It is about others. It is about leading them down paths of improvement.

We all need to improve. The challenge is learning to understand how we improve ourselves in the greatest way by improving the life of others.

Improving Our Leadership

Leaders know who they are and always seek improvement.

One of the most challenging areas in our leadership involves an honest self-examination. Seeking to improve ourselves in leadership is vital to success.

One of the ways to accomplish this improvement is through asking some difficult questions.

Do we really want to be a leader?
What is the motivation behind our desire to lead?
Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifices to lead effectively?
Will we commit to the task of continually developing our abilities to lead?

The answers provide a foundation to help us know who we are and our approach to improving our leadership.

Improving Your Leadership

Leaders understand the necessity of growing, improving who they are and all they do. They understand that leading others assumes a responsibility that demands growth.

While certain choices are made one time for all time, other choices require a daily commitment to achieve. For leaders to become better in who they are and what they do, deciding daily to improve goes far in achieving results.

Be decisive. It is about a decision to move beyond the present circumstances.

To remain neutral only supports stagnation and ultimately failure. Leaders know the dangers and seek to avoid such an outcome. Challenge yourself to get better.

A Little Each Day

The power of improving a little each day cannot be overstated. John Wooden expressed this idea by saying, “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens — and when it happens, it lasts.”

Imagine how much more could be accomplished and how enduring when leaders work on developing their leadership a little each day.

Improving Our Leadership

Leaders must continually strive to improve. Although the author is unknown, the following thought is powerful, “The day you stop getting better is the day you better quit.”

We point to this idea frequently, but it cannot be overstated. We all need to constantly work at improvement.

Leading in the home requires more attention to provide the right foundation.

Leading at work provides direction for the success of the organization.

Leading in the church is essential to uphold truth, save souls, strengthen faith, and sustain generational leadership.

We must pursue, with fervor, the improvement of who we are and what we do as leaders.

Addicted to Improvement

Addiction is defined as a dependency on something, an inability to stop without incurring adverse effects.

Anthony J. D’Angelo once said, “Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” Imagine what would happen if we all approached self-improvement with this thought.

Unhealthy addictions, from alcohol, drugs, food, electronic devices / internet, etc. destroy our life and influence.

However, healthy addictions help us improve our quality and quantity of life.

A few changes in the habits that form our daily routines make all the difference in developing an addiction “to constant and never-ending self-improvement.”

A Leadership Method

What method is used to improve our understanding of spiritual leadership?

What method will best grow or develop our spiritual focus?

What method will we implement to achieve the goals established for those we lead?

Several years ago, I heard someone say, “Any method will work, if we will work the method.”

Improvement, growth, and implementation are words that indicate work. Something has to be done in order to achieve our goals and the method designed is the means by which it will be accomplished.

Determining the right method is a key component to our leadership.