Tag: Influence

The Principle of Leadership

A principle is defined as a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.

We find that principles are foundational to leadership. The world around us measures what they see and hear by the profession of our faith.

If the principles by which we proclaim the gospel do not align with an example evidenced by word and deed, accusations of hypocrisy are rightly made.

When these principles do align, they breathe life into our character.

When this happens, lives change and souls are influenced for the cause of our Lord.

Change the World

Perhaps it is only a dream. Maybe it is a scam or an incredible sales pitch. Can it be true?

As long as we limit our thinking that the opportunity to change the world is an impossibility, we never will.

Change occurs one person at a time, but if we take that one person and guide them to do the same, we multiply our sphere of influence.

The power of possibility is magnified to incredible heights.

This is how we change the world and it all begins with you and me. May God use us to do so!

Missional Leaders

Being prepared is foundational to influence. When challenged or questioned, we must be ready.

Peter reminds Christians to always be ready (1 Pe. 3:15). Ask yourself, “Am I ready?

Preparation is connected to a few key principles.

1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Preparation can make the difference.
2. Recognize that answers are found in the Bible. God provided a tool to prepare us. Know it!
3. Ask others for assistance. The wisdom of others can improve who we are and what we do.

Are you ready? A few simple steps will help you get there.

Influential Leader

A word expressed or action taken can change a situation in ways that leave a lasting impression.

People always watch and listen. They measure the strength of our character by the consistency of our words and actions.

Before we speak, think about the consequences. Once the words are spoken we cannot take them back.

Our actions have a similar impact. Interestingly enough, we may participate in an activity that does not characterize who we are, yet when seen, the consequences are nearly impossible to correct.

Our influence is too valuable to give little thought to the consequences of our choices and influence.

Surveying Our Leadership…

I am not a fan of surveys. Every time I purchase a product, visit an establishment, call customer service, etc. I get a survey in my email. Ugh!
However, there are a few questions, we need to consider.

What would a survey say is the priority of our life? Quality of our work ethic? Consistency of what we believe and practice? The “type” of people we seek to influence?

The list of questions goes on. We need to understand the value of surveying each area of our life and measuring how we live by the example provided in Jesus.

Words and Influence…

One of the great principles of leadership, simple and overused, involves the nature of our influence. Jesus said we are the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (Mt. 5:13-16).

Throughout the letters written to specific individuals and the various churches of God’s people, the word salt is used twice (Col. 4:6; Jas. 3:12). In both the use of salt is connected to the tongue.

Words spoken carelessly and without thought can destroy our influence and once destroyed it is difficult, if not impossible, to regain.

The precedent of our words establish a leadership influence worthy of following.

Potentially Powerful…

What value does potential have in your life? Potentially, a great deal. However, every person on the planet has potential.

In a recent article by Rory Vaden, Rory talks about how potential is meaningless if we do not take steps to act in ways that fulfill that potential.

Every person has the potential to lead, but our potential means little if we don’t take necessary steps to become that person of influence.

Reflect on your potential, then consider how you can get to work on achieving that potential and become the leader the Lord desires in you.

Words of Kindness…

The value of speaking with kindness benefits every level of a leader’s influence. When a word is spoken with kindness several results occur.

The desire to benefit the person is demonstrated.

The value or worth of the individual is elevated.

The fruit of the Spirit testifies to being more Christlike.

The goal of unity is exemplified by serving one another.

The outreach to the world is built on a foundation of love.

Kindness requires us to get our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, desires, and motivations out of the way so our light can be displayed and God glorified.

Ability vs Character…

John Wooden once said, “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

We have all seen people with great ability, college and professional athletes, musicians, and others in the entertainment field. However, ability does not equal character.

Without character, regardless of the ability, it is impossible to have lasting leadership.

Nothing is more significant for spiritual leaders than humility. When spiritual influence is guided by a humble spirit, character naturally follows. When combined with ability, we find the staying power of Christlike leadership.

Positive Leadership…

Is it possible in our culture to avoid negativity? No! We cannot completely avoid negativity. Sadly, we are surrounded by it. We often face so much negativity it becomes difficult to see anything positive.

What can we do to limit negativity’s influence?

Why not begin at God’s throne and seek guidance in overcoming the issue.
A good dose of optimism from friends is another place to help.
Limiting social media is a positive direction.
Commit to saying at least five positive things every day.

These few steps will move us in a positive direction.