Tag: Influence

Lead Like A Champion…

Every athletic team longs to be crowned “champion.”

The amount of effort given and money spent to finish a champion at a professional level is beyond comprehension.

However, our influence as leaders provides an opportunity to be a champion for someone. What kind of champion is up to us?

The influence of true champions will not be seen with a touchdown, home run, three-point shot, goal scored, or crossing a finish line.

True champions are formed through the acts of kindness, grace, and love. A bed, a home-cooked meal, a drink of water, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand, are all key components to being a true champion.

Leadership Begins In The Home…

Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “What parents excuse in moderation, children will abuse in excess.”

The hearts and minds of children are sculpted from a young age. Our influence is greater than we can imagine.

Parents need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in their lives.

They must live a standard in the home they are comfortable with seeing their children live out in excess. Parents face enough challenges battling worldly influences. Why take chances on living an example that questions the biblical precedence of godliness?

Use the home as a refuge sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.


Leadership is about people. Not just any people, but people searching for a promise from God.

People are young and old, male and female. They are tall and short, large and small, and everywhere in between.

People come from different racial, educational, emotional, religious, and financial backgrounds, all of which influence their words and actions. Even when people live within the same neighborhood, there are differences.

The task before us involves determining how to lead such diversity.

The direction people follow depends on the ability of leaders to provide a combination of both physical and spiritual influence.

Redirecting Our Focus…

We are all molded by the events of the past, whether teaching, experience, or influence. Each of these take on both a positive and negative trait.

Paul’s family heritage, academic credentials, knowledge of scripture, and zealous attack against the church left a mark he did not forget from his past.

However, he did not allow the past to dictate the direction of his future. Paul had a new spiritual focus.

Leaders must learn from the past in order to prevent repeating areas that hinder our Christian influence.

The challenges of yesterday are past. We need to redirect our attention toward a spiritual future.

Leading Our Children…

Leadership begins in the home. The greatest opportunities for influence occur within the four walls where we live.

From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.

The air we breathe, food we eat, the opportunity to see a sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.

Let us always take action to lead our children.

Using Facebook as Leaders…

The reach of Facebook is staggering, but there are lessons to learn about this social media tool.

Be careful about abusing privilege
. Time spent reading posts adds up. A few minutes can translate into a few hours quickly.

Do not forget to live life. Life was not meant to be lived on Facebook. Do not air dirty laundry, express discontent, deal with confrontation, etc.

Use Facebook as a tool. Facebook serves as a great tool for encouragement, edification, and education, if used properly.

Remember our Christian influence.
Our posts influence everyone who read them. Sarcasm, humor, and teasing do not always translate. Be cautious before posting.

Power of the Mind…

Our eyes and ears are the portals to the mind. While all the senses play a part, these two are primary. Sadly, we often fail to realize the influence of what we see and hear.

Paul specified key areas in Philippians 4:8. Consider the imperative need for our minds to “dwell on these things.”

We must be proactive in the way we approach certain influences, whether movies, friends, or activities. Is our leadership influence worth filling our minds with negativity, filth, and horror for a little entertainment?

We are in the world, but not of the world. We must influence the world for Christ.

Spiritual Choices…

The journey through life is filled with choices. As amazing as it sounds, there is one choice that determines all others, both consequential and inconsequential: the choice of Christianity.

The choice of Christianity informs every decision, our career, who we marry, raising children, where we live, and more.

When leaders provide an example by their choices, spiritually, as demonstrated in their physical choices, they are taking a step in the right direction of leadership as God intends.

Now is the best time to start making the kind of choices that will change the direction of our lives and the influence we have with others.

Leaders Who Excel…

To excel involves being exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject. Paul encouraged the church at Thessalonica to “excel still more.”

Leaders should always strive to excel, to improve their character and influence.
Leaders need to encourage followers with an appeal to excel still more in their work.
Leaders should remember that striving for excellence does not mean they will be perfect.

We must desire to improve who we are and what we do, no matter how good we are or how well we are able to achieve any task.

We should always seek God’s help to excel.

The Right Mindset…

Everyone wants to be happy, but what brings happiness? An attempt to answer this question fills every form of media. Dale Carnegie said, “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”

Sadly, most believe happiness comes with success, material possessions, money, or a social image/status.

Rarely do we associate happiness with what we think. What do our minds dwell on daily? Read Philippians 4:8.

Leadership can influence happiness with the right mindset and helping others think on the right things.