Tag: Influence

Leadership and Technology…

Advances in technology have changed the way we communicate and carry out leadership.

Leaders must learn how best to use technology to assist in their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists. Technology is here to stay. Embrace it.
Second, be open to and take time to learn. Seek help.
Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged. If they use Facebook, then get on Facebook.
Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

If we use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom.

Team Leadership…

A narcissistic leader creates destruction. When leaders constantly use ‘I’ in reference to their own abilities, achievements, or plans, influence is lost.

Peter F. Drucker claims, “The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I’. They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”

Nothing could be more powerful for spiritual leaders than learning to live by this thought.

How Did We Use Our Time?

Today marks the beginning of a new month and, hopefully, positive steps toward the end of a pandemic.

Have you wondered where the time went? 

Perhaps a more pertinent question is, “What did we do with the time to influence lasting change in the lives of others?”

We should ask ourselves, “Did we introduce someone to Jesus? Did we provide a greater influence for the kingdom?”

Although the pandemic may not be completely over, we must always think about our influence and how we lead others.

A Choice of Leadership…

Colin Powell once said, “You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.”

When leaders make choices for others, it can lead to resentment. An increase in certain expectations develops when leaders make decisions for others. Making choices for others also leads to an unhealthy dependency.

Leading is about relationships and leading others involves helping them make the right choices, not making choices for them.

Leadership has the potential of influencing others for a greater purpose. Let us always lead with the desire to help others see and make the choice of heaven.

Catalyst Leadership…

When leaders serve as catalysts amazing developments occur.

In their book, The Starfish and the Spider, Brafman and Beckstrom researched several areas concerning leadership and the qualities of a catalyst. 

Consistent with each was their desire to help others. The examples reflect something of a spiritual catalyst in nature.

Spiritual catalysts provide powerful influence because they desire to help others. 

Catalysts help others see their potential in the Lord’s kingdom.
Catalysts help others implement plans to reach their potential.
Catalysts help others connect with people to assist them in reaching their potential.

The need for catalysts is significant in the development of the Lord’s kingdom.

Successful Leadership…

We are told that we influence a minimum of four people everyday. Kenneth Blanchard said, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”

But, what kind of influence are we exercising?

We need to guard our influence because it effects the character, behavior, and development of others. Our influence can either be good or bad. 

If we have opportunity to influence others by bringing them to Christ, or influence Christians in faithfulness, should we not do so?

The time we have on earth is limited and fleeting. Each day that passes can never be regained or relived. Now is the best opportunity to ensure our influence for Christ.

Taking Control…

Control is the power to influence and direct people’s behavior or the course of events.

At times, someone needs to take control. We know people who are controlling. We preach about self-control. We even discuss the need to be in control

What does this mean and why is it important? 

Leaders must know when to take control. Without being controlling, they should epitomize self-control. And when someone needs to be in control, they should be our guide.

When leaders use their influence in a Biblical and godly way, the course of events can be shaped in ways that change eternity.

Responsible Leadership…

Leadership involves responsibility. The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the responsibility. Others have said, “The greater the responsibility, the fewer the rights.”

We live in a culture where taking responsibility is not always an acceptable practice. We also live in a culture where the common practice is one of blaming others.

The problem is not cultural. This practice has been around since the beginning with Adam and Eve. Leadership must seek responsibility and take responsibility for their actions.

When this kind of integrity exists, when leaders seek and take responsibility for their actions, their influence grows. The result? People will follow!

Leading In Culture…

Do leaders shape culture or does culture shape leaders?

We might think the answer is both, and that is true. Certainly the culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

However, spiritual leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but they must shape the culture into the image of Jesus.

How can leaders do so?

First, we must learn and understand the culture.
Second, recognize the need of culture.
Third, provide an example for the culture.
And fourth, guide them to a better culture.

Just a few steps can shape the changes needed to direct a greater focus toward Christ.

More to Leadership…

We have all heard the offer for a product followed up with, “But wait, there’s more.” At this point the offer is usually doubled.

We always find a great deal associated with leadership, “But wait, there’s more.” 

Leadership is more than power.
Leadership is more than position.
Leadership is more than a title.
Leadership is more than influence.

There will always be more regarding spiritual leadership. If we approach the task with humility and love, we can realize growth in the church and bring glory to our God.

But wait, there’s more! 

If we act now, more souls will enjoy the beauty of heaven. Think Souls!