Tag: Influence

Minimizing Negativity

We cannot completely avoid negativity. Sadly, we are surrounded by it. We often face so much negativity it is difficult to see much positive.

Since, we cannot avoid negativity, what can we do to limit its influence, or put a positive spin on it?

First, prayer is where it all starts. God promises to answer, so why not begin at His throne.

Second, focus on spending time with people who are positive.

Third, the material we read and the messages we hear need to ring with optimism. Turning off the television is a positive beginning point.

Fourth, commit to saying at least five positive things every day.


Each day is filled with decision-making. Sometimes decisions are quick and easy to make. Other times they are difficult and require a great deal more thought.

We would understand that many decisions have little consequence: what to eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear, etc.

Other decisions, however, carry great consequence: the choice of a spouse, where we live, our occupation, raising children, etc.

There is one decision that is extremely consequential and that is the decision to follow Christ. This one decision should be the foundation for all decisions.

Determine how your decisions will influence others and if it will lead them to Christ.


One of the qualities Jesus demonstrated, instrumental in drawing others to Him, was compassion.

Several times throughout the gospels, the compassion of Jesus is identified. He was compassionate to those who were in need both physically and spiritually.

His compassion was more than a feeling of sympathy aroused by the distress of others. It moved Him to act in ways that met the need.

Leaders who follow the example of Jesus, realize the value of a compassionate approach. An awareness of the pressing needs in the lives of others is an important component, but compassionate leaders seek ways to get involved to help meet the need.

Qualities of Leading

The Bible provides a list of qualities for men who would serve in the role of a shepherd.

These qualities are in place to provide the necessary shepherding to keep the church pure and healthy.

While all Christians should strive for the applicable qualities, one does not have to possess all these qualities in order to be qualified to lead others.

Remember, leadership is about influence. We are striving to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, leading others is built on the blood of our Savior.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence becomes.


Mentoring usually involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we all want to pursue ways we can mentor someone in developing maturity in their faith.

Our approach should be based on the methods of Jesus.

Take a moment to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor.

Refuge of Home

Our children are influenced from a very young age. Our influence is far greater than we can imagine, until we see and hear the expressions of our influence expressed by our children.

Because this is true, as parents we need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in our own lives.

We need to set the kind of standard we are comfortable seeing expressed in the lives of our children. We face enough challenges in battling the worldly influence surrounding us.

Use the home as a refuge that is sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.

Teaching Moments

Thinking about leadership in the home and the influence we have on our children, it seemed fitting to share a few thoughts.

From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay their heads down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.

The air that we breathe, the food we eat, the opportunity to see the sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.

As we pray for children, let us also take appropriate action to lead them.

The Past

We are all shaped by the events of our past. It may be teaching, experience, or influence. They are either positive or negative as we consider how the past shapes us.

Paul was an apostle molded by his family heritage, academic credentials, knowledge of Old Testament scripture, and zealous attack against the church.

However, he did not allow the past to dictate the direction of his future. Paul’s focus quickly became spiritually and heavenly directed.

We cannot relive or change the past. As leaders, we must learn from the past in order to prevent repeating areas that hinder our influence and focus.

Choice of Christianity

When we make the choice of Christianity, it informs every decision from that point. The type of job we choose will be different as a Christian. Who we marry will be determined by the choice of Christianity. The way we raise our children and where we live are both influenced by Christianity.

When leaders provide an example by their choice spiritually, as demonstrated in their physical choices, they are taking a step in the right direction of leadership as God intends.

Now is the best time to start making the kind of choices that will change the direction of our lives and the influence we have with others.

Eyes and Ears of a Leader

Two portals to our minds are our eyes and ears. We often fail to recognize the influence of what we see and hear on our thinking.

The type of language in movies or television shows, pornographic nature of advertisements or programs, jokes, and the locations we visit are a few ways we are influenced through the eyes and ears.

We must be proactive in the way we approach what influences us.

Is our leadership influence worth having our minds filled with negativity, filth, immorality, and horror for a little entertainment?

We are to influence the world for Christ, not to be influenced by the world.