Tag: Israel

A Blessing or Curse

Examining the life of Moses indicates the preparation of a godly leader who represents wisdom, strength, and tenacity.

Notice his appeal in the last sermon of Deuteronomy.

As Moses addressed the nation of Israel he presented them with a blessing and a curse, life and death. He urged them to choose life that they might live.

Amidst the challenges of leadership in this postmodern, excessively individualistic world, perhaps the simple approach to the choices offered by Moses can redirect our attention to the heart of the matter.

As leaders, our task is to appeal to choose wisely, choose life that they might live.


Nothing is more foundational. We must pray for guidance and ask God to help us equip next generation leaders.

Read the accounts in the Old Testament where Joshua and Israel marched into Canaan. Every time they did not seek prior counsel with God, consequences were incurred.

If we feel we can rely on the past, some form of “wingin’ it,” or a laissez faire approach in our efforts, we are already defeated.

Think seriously about the nature of the situation and start praying now about how we can take the next step to achieve our God-given purpose.


An old Chinese proverb says, “Limitations are but the boundaries we place in our minds.”

We see this in the spies sent into Canaan that delivered a bad report to the people of Israel. Their claim indicates the limitation in their thinking. They saw themselves as grasshoppers.

They could not see themselves conquering the land, nor God doing so through them.

Leaders today are often held back, not because they lack the ability, but because they do not see themselves as able to accomplish the task.

Stop considering who you are not. Start thinking about who God is and what He can do through you if you allow Him to do so.

Dream Big

How often do we strive to achieve great things, but are unwilling to do what is necessary to make those dreams come true? I am uncertain who said it, but the thought is great, “You can’t have a Million Dollar DREAM with a minimum wage work ethic.”

We think too small. Before we make excuses, shackle ourselves with our inabilities, or blame someone or something else for our small thinking, we need to remember the God we serve.

God planned to give Israel the land, but it did not eliminate the need for them to fight the battles. It will not be any different today. So, Dream Big!

Leading with Eager Anticipation…

Although it is October, amazingly enough, people are already counting down the days until Christmas.

Something special exists in the mind of children that creates an eager anticipation for this specific day each year.

As leaders envision the future, they must encourage the same eagerness and anticipation for what is to come spiritually.

Think about Israel’s anticipation for entering the land God promised to give them. God has promised a land far greater for you and me. As we consider entering this glorious place, how much anticipation exists?

We need to eagerly look forward to that day. Let the countdown begin!

Popular Leadership…

God told Israel, “You shall not follow the masses in doing evil” (Exodus 23:2). He understood the problems associated with following the majority.

We’ve all heard this thought, “What is popular may not always be what is right, and what is right may not always be what is popular.”

Simply because the majority is involved in something, does not mean the minority should follow.

Christians will always be in the minority. While spiritual leadership among the minority will face its challenges, it is necessary.

As the church, we have a responsibility to stand up for what is right, even though it may not be popular.