Tag: Jesus

A Leading Parable…

The parables of Jesus often shed light on great leadership principles. One of those is the Parable of the Tares. Here is what we learn…

The enemy is working against spiritual leaders.

Patience is needed, even when evil grows in the midst of good.

Time will reveal the intentions of the heart.

Light always triumphs over darkness.

Take time to read the parable and think about these principles as they apply to leadership. Leaders must learn to approach and handle these areas with faithfulness to God. The result will strengthen their influence and leadership.

A Leader’s Temperament…

Temperament involves a person’s nature as it permanently affects their behavior. What kind of nature is permanently affecting our behavior? 

There is an obvious connection to the emotional drive in our lives. This emotional drive could be related to anger or patience, an attitude of discontent or one of contentment, etc.

With both Christian and nonChristian watching every move, it seems significant to consider why we must work to develop the kind of temperament that ensures a behavior of excellence. 

Jesus identified His disciples as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We use our words and actions to provide an example of temperament controlled by God.

What Do Leaders Seek?

The Gospels reveal the idea of seeking on several occasions.

In Matthew, Jesus emphasized the need to seek first the kingdom of God.

In Mark, religious leaders sought for a sign from Jesus, but their motives were impure.

In Luke, we find areas that involve what we seek, either materially or spiritually.

John also indicates that Jesus was motivated to seek.

Jesus clearly sought to do the will of the Father, to glorify Him. As spiritual leaders, what will we seek to do or accomplish with our leadership?

We have been entrusted with a great responsibility and opportunity. What we seek makes all the difference in the lives we touch.

Others-Centered Leadership…

The world is self-centered and people often look out only for themselves.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. Kalu Kalu wrote, “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Spiritual leaders stand out for this quality. Why?

Jesus taught and set this example. The final lesson before His death was the lesson of servanthood.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Unity and harmony are built on service.

When we follow, we leave a legacy that leads to a home with God.

Liberty Leaders…

The history of Independence Day is on the minds of most Americans as they remember the events from 1776. July 4th (243 years ago) brought freedom / independence from the rule of England.

The years that followed have been filled with highs and lows, victories and defeats. These events have shaped this nation and provided us with independence.

As spiritual leaders, we value the price paid by many to give us our freedoms and realize the need to help others understand and experience another kind of liberty found only in Christ. 

Time is too precious to delay. Let us be diligent to the task. Happy 4th

Truth and Unity…

People commonly believe we can “agree to disagree” and still have unity.

Absolute truth is denied and whatever is true to you may not be for me.

From the standpoint of opinions, there is no problem being united in the midst of disagreement. However, unity at the cost of compromising God’s word is a problem.

Doctrine trumps opinion, and if we disagree, either one of us is right and the other wrong, or we are both wrong. We cannot both be right and disagree on the healthy teaching of the faith.

Leaders must be diligent to stand firm on truth, proclaim it boldly, and follow it explicitly. Then we can be united as God designed for the church.

Servant Leaders…

Servant leadership has been elevated as a needed style for leaders today.

Kouzes and Posner write, “Leaders strengthen credibility by demonstrating that they are not in it for themselves; instead, they have the interests of the institution, department, or team and its constituents at heart. Being a servant may not be what many leaders had in mind when they choose to take responsibility for the vision and direction of their organization or team, but serving others is the most glorious and rewarding of all leadership tasks.”

Servants demonstrate an others-centric mindset. As Jesus did, we change lives when we are willing to take up the towel and wash feet.

Source of Leadership…

Think about the value of a source.

Finding a source for pure water can mean life to a community. Acquiring a source for financial stability secures the future.

We would also agree that a source for salvation changes the eternal destiny of the world. 

Thankfully, God has provided a plan through which Jesus became the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him.

As leaders, are we a source through which people obtain God’s grace?

Are we a source for others to grow spiritually?

Let us pray that more see the need to stand in the fight against the spiritual forces of darkness and be a source of light.

Leading In Culture…

Do leaders shape culture or does culture shape leaders?

We might think the answer is both, and that is true. Certainly the culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

However, spiritual leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but they must shape the culture into the image of Jesus.

How can leaders do so?

First, we must learn and understand the culture.
Second, recognize the need of culture.
Third, provide an example for the culture.
And fourth, guide them to a better culture.

Just a few steps can shape the changes needed to direct a greater focus toward Christ.

True Peace…

A few moments of reading or watching the news reveals the desire for peace, which seems to be unattainable.

Peace is not the absence of conflict. True peace is only found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Jesus is our peace. His purpose in going to the cross was to provide all nations with peace, uniting all people from every tribe and tongue into one body.

As leaders, we must help others find the only peace that provides hope and unity found in the true Prince of peace.

When we think souls, there is a renewed purpose for helping others enjoy what only Jesus can give.