Tag: Jesus


Amazement is characterized by “overwhelming surprise or shock.” Jesus once healed a demon-possessed man and told him to go and tell his own people what great things God had done for him and how God had shown mercy. When he did, people were amazed.

Consider our influence in the lives of others. When people compare the person we were before with who we are now, are they amazed?

If not, maybe we need to stress more the great things God has done for us and how He has shown mercy.

Our leadership in the home, community, and church should be different when Jesus is part of the equation.


Few ideas are more challenging to apply than being objective.

Being objective carries the thought of being uninfluenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

From the life and leadership of Jesus we learn several lessons.

Examine the facts carefully. Not everything is going to line up with preconceived ideas. Make certain all the facts have been gathered.

Study more deeply and diligently. A surface approach to God’s word allows too much opportunity for emotions to rationalize truth.

Ask penetrating questions. Good questions help develop depth to the information.

Being objective should characterize every quality of our leadership.


When someone is fearless, we tend to think about the absence of fear.

Consider another possibility as it relates to leadership.

Reverse the word and examine the idea of less fear.

It is doubtful that a leader reaches a point where they have no fear. Various events in life and leadership will always create times of fear. During those times we can demonstrate less fear, but what makes it possible to do so? Read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:4.

Enduring life’s challenges is an ability strengthened by victorious faith.

Trust that God will keep His promise.

Obstacles are temporary. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Share the Blessing

What are the odds, out of all the people on earth who have never heard the name of Jesus, you and I were fortunate enough to hear it?

Why were we blessed to hear the Gospel when many in the world hear an altered version if they hear it at all?

Maybe you have never considered these questions, but we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with this opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

This blessing is meant to be shared.


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

Leadership involves the ability to see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Consider two significant questions: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to the souls around us? 2) Are we ready to take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

Unless we see the possibilities and are prepared to take advantage of the opportunities the urgency of sharing the message of Jesus fades to indifference.

Seek, Ask, and Knock.

Teach, Encourage, Admonish, Equip

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men to go and make disciples.

Think about how Jesus individualized each word.

Teach: People will only do what they are taught to do, and our teaching must include application. When provided, everyone learns how to fulfill the task.

Encouraging others motivates them to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing tools to fulfill each task and responsibility are vital to the success of followers, especially as we prepare them to lead.

Suffering Leaders

Jesus suffered on numerous occasions at the hands of religious leaders who sought to eliminate this threat to their position and power.

The ultimate suffering, however, did not come at their hands, even though they instigated the procedure.

Jesus would encounter suffering beyond imagination, as He was beaten, ridiculed, mocked with a crown of thorns, spit upon, scourged, and nailed to a cross at the hands of Rome.

Suffering is not often seen as greatness, rather a stumbling block and foolishness. To those who are saved, however, it is the power of God.

The higher we go in leadership the greater the sacrifice we must make.


The disciples constantly questioned Jesus about matters of the kingdom, especially a physical emphasis.

One example involved their concern over the destruction of the temple, the sign of His coming, and the end of the age.

While Jesus addressed their concerns with information related to the signs prior to this event, He took them further into the events surrounding the judgment day.

He wanted them to know that something greater than the destruction of the temple was coming and the reason for teaching this truth was to prepare them for that day.

Our leadership is the same. We are to prepare others for that day.

Compassionate Leaders

One of the qualities Jesus demonstrated, instrumental in drawing others to Him, was compassion.

Several times throughout the gospels, scripture points to the compassion of Jesus. He was compassionate to those in need both physically and spiritually.

His compassion, however, was more than a feeling of sympathy over their distress; it moved Him to act in ways that met the need.

Leaders who follow the example of Jesus realize the value of a compassionate approach. An awareness of someone’s needs is an important component, but compassionate leaders seek ways to get involved to help meet the need.

The Right Leader

A study of leadership reveals a plethora of information that presents a daunting task of determining what is right and who is the right leader to follow. God revealed information sufficient for both.

Dedicating ourselves to learning the truths provided by God and studying the example of Jesus will result in a godly leader.

There is no better way to honor and glorify God than by leading with our eyes focused on Jesus and our hearts devoted to following the depths of His word.

When followers have this example in earthly leaders, they will follow the right leader.