Tag: Kingdom


Leaders focus on growth and advancement. They look to grow personally, strive to help others reach their greatest potential, and help advance the cause for which they lead.

Leaders look for new and refined ideas that promote opportunity, innovation, and creativity. The abilities that exist among followers is amazing, and leaders need to seek ways to involve everyone in using their gifts for God’s kingdom.

Leaders recognize the ever changing world surrounding them. The development of God’s kingdom is not about changing the message, but the methods need to allow for ideas that reach out to this ever changing world.

Technological Leadership

Technology has changed the way we communicate, and it has affected avenues of leadership.

The development of technology is not backing off in the direction of the future, and it influences all of life.

Therefore, leaders need to learn how to best use technology in ways that assist their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists.
Second, be open to and take time to learn.
Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged.
Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

If we will use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom.

Happy New Year

May 2024 bring you joy and fruitful service in the Lord’s Kingdom.
Happy New Year from all of the SALT family.


The disciples constantly questioned Jesus about matters of the kingdom, especially a physical emphasis.

One example involved their concern over the destruction of the temple, the sign of His coming, and the end of the age.

While Jesus addressed their concerns with information related to the signs prior to this event, He took them further into the events surrounding the judgment day.

He wanted them to know that something greater than the destruction of the temple was coming and the reason for teaching this truth was to prepare them for that day.

Our leadership is the same. We are to prepare others for that day.


What motivates you?

The New Testament provides several counter-cultural examples to help us learn the power of motivation.

The motive for being first or greatest in the kingdom is about being a servant of all.

The motive for receiving is based in presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

The motive for being blessed is about giving to others rather than receiving.

The motive for not forsaking our assembling together is through exciting others to love and good works.

Do we motivate others toward desired interests? Do we set the example based on what motivates us in the same direction?

The Catalyst

When a leader serves as a catalyst amazing things happen.

One main characteristic of a catalyst is that of helping others.

In their book, The Starfish and the Spider, Brafman and Beckstrom researched several areas concerning leadership and the qualities of a catalyst.

Consistent with each was their desire to help others.

Spiritual catalysts are able to effect powerful influence because they desire to help others.

They help others see and reach their potential, while connecting them with people who can assist them on the journey.

The need for catalysts is significant in the development of the Lord’s kingdom.

Leaders are Followers

If someone plans to serve as a leader, they must first be a good follower.

If we are unable to follow, then how can we measure the success of our leadership?

Jesus called people to follow Him before He sent them into the world to lead others to Him.

When someone decides they know a “better” way than to follow the plan of our Lord, problems are on the horizon.

The better we follow the example He has provided for our leadership, the greater our success will be in the kingdom. Take the time to listen, learn and lead.

Making a Difference

Jesus taught about the powerful nature of influence, identifying His disciples as the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.”

Jesus indicates we are to make a difference.

He uses an interesting term, “If the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything…”

This word involves health, specifically good health.

When used in the context of the analogy and leadership influence, we find a powerful idea.

As leaders in the kingdom of God, our influence should be that which contributes to the spiritual health and well-being of others.

Leadership at the Bottom-Line

What is the bottom line in our leadership?

Are our goals self-serving, or are we striving to bring about what is best for those who follow?

Is there an agenda behind our actions, or a simplistic, pure love for the betterment of God’s kingdom?

When we study various subjects, are we striving to learn the truth, or find a way to justify our position?

We have to ask hard questions, examine ourselves honestly, admit mistakes, act Christ-like, and pray for God’s strength to do what is right.

This is why it’s called the bottom line!

A Tenacious Leader

A tenacious leader possesses a certain ability to hold on to something tightly with an incredible determination.

Look around. It does not take much to see how tenacity affects all areas of life, from recreation to religion. When we examine our priorities we generally find our tenacity.

How can we become more tenacious?

1) Be passionate and remove the impossibility factor.
2) Know what is worth dying for.
3) Have a clear vision of God.
4) Challenge yourself and others to do something great!

These ideas can create a whole new approach to our leadership and move others to greater heights of fulfillment in the Lord’s kingdom.