Making Memories…
Making memories is an expression primarily used with families. The role of parental leadership in the family is vital to the success and future sustainability of the family.
Parents have a responsibility to insure they make memories with their children. Time flies by too quickly and children grow up too fast to be consumed with our personal goals and aspirations.
Thinking we have plenty of time and will get around to it tomorrow, next week, month, or year, is a dangerous way to think. Before we know it, our children grow up and move on and they are left without the memories of a childhood that should be filled with the joys of a family unit with the right balance.
The only perfect formula that can be used in raising children is given by God. Along the way, the memories we make with our children provide a foundation for the authority of God’s word to guide the instruction and discipline of our children.
Time passes too quickly not to give credence to this vital component of the family. What kind of memory-makers will our children remember?