Tag: Leadership


Moses was noted for his faith in seeing Him who is unseen. Spiritual leaders are people of faith, primarily faith in God.

However, faith involves additional factors key to successful leadership.

Leaders must have faith in people. Even with our flaws, God entrusted His work to people.

Leaders must have faith in the purpose. God has provided us with the greatest purpose.

Leaders must have faith in the plan. We need to believe these plans will accomplish God’s purpose.

Leaders must be people who see Him who is unseen. This is leadership insight that leads to success.

Strength and Stability

Strength and stability are two powerful words needed in leadership.

Strength is the quality of being strong, possessing and demonstrating power.

Stability refers to an immovable or unshakeable foundation.

Our convictions must be built upon both.
Our character must possess both.
Our courage must demonstrate both.

When leadership provides strength and stability the church will experience growth. Christians will develop greater confidence and assurance. More in the world will come to know the gospel.


The Bible is filled with many contrasts. Few seem as prevalent as the contrast between the wise and foolish.

Solomon said the wise quickly receive instruction.

Paul instructs us to act as wise men not as unwise.

Jesus indicated the wise to be those who hear His words and act upon them. The foolish hear His words and do not.

There should be much wisdom in spiritual leadership. Let us learn to receive good counsel.

Ultimately, our leadership is based on the direction we receive from the Lord. True wisdom listens to Him.


Struggling with addictions often leads to denial.

The loss of a loved one can leave one in denial.

Various trials faced in life lead us to this point.

Leaders must not wear the proverbial blinders regarding present circumstances. There must be an awareness of reality.

Problems exist, and someone else will not solve them.

Address problems when they arise so they can be resolved when they are smaller.

Denial quickly leads to destruction.

Leadership is too valuable to allow denial to rob us of reaching our goal.

Knowing the Shepherds

While shepherds need to know the sheep, it is also vital for the sheep to know their shepherds.

For this to take place, it requires shepherds to be in the homes of those they lead and have the sheep in their own home. In fact, having the sheep in the shepherd’s home should be first.

Shepherds need to promote greater transparency and intimacy. When this happens, they will soon be seen as approachable, and deeper discussions allow members to open up and share the challenges, struggles, temptations, difficulties, and the joys experienced in their lives.

At this point, true shepherding occurs and relationships blossom as greater connections are made.

Knowing the Sheep

What does it means to know the sheep? The task is not easy and will require much of the shepherd. I am not referring to knowing “facts” about the sheep (whose sick, in the hospital, etc.). I am talking about knowing their strengths, weaknesses, their struggles, where they are tempted, etc.

Sadly, there are too many shepherds today that never see members outside of the building Sunday and/or Wednesday.

Knowing the sheep requires spending time with them, demonstrating a greater level of approachability.

Unapproachable shepherds are often seen as intimidating, and they are usually unaware of it. They can be seen as harsh, abrasive, standoffish, and above everyone else.

When time is spent together in each other’s homes, this changes.


Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10). Within this text, we find ideas expressed that relate to the responsibility of shepherding the church today.

One of the fundamental elements is knowing the sheep. Notice how Jesus claimed, “I know My own and My own know Me” (Jn. 10:14).

Earlier in this text, Jesus said the sheep hear the voice of the shepherd and they follow because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger. Instead, they flee from him because they do not know the “voice of strangers” (vv. 3-5).

Sheep need to hear the voice of their shepherds, and this foundational element of shepherding involves knowing the sheep.

The Board

A model of leadership has evolved that has influenced the church in some negative ways.

We often find that elders have become more like a board of directors that make decisions, but know little about “how” to shepherd.

Since most have only known this model, moving away from it will be challenging and require a new mindset.

A look at how the Bible describes shepherding will help, as scripture refers to Jesus as the Good Shepherd and the Great Shepherd of the sheep.

The leaders of God’s people are also referred to as shepherds. It seems fitting we would consider the role of Jesus to learn more to help those leading His people.


I’ve heard the term “elder” used for men appointed to oversee, manage, or pastor the church. The use of this term is biblical, as well as the various terms associated with it.

In recent years, the term shepherd has been used more frequently. Why this change? Does the use of one over the other help us understand more clearly the role needed today?

The idea of shepherding often brings Psalm 23 to mind where David said, “The Lord is my shepherd.”

While it is difficult for most of us to understand the literal work of shepherding sheep, the Bible reveals ideas that can help us think more about shepherds.


Charisma is not the quality of self-centered leadership. Consider how much of our conversations focus on us, what we do, our family, our interests, etc.?

When leaders have charisma they add value to the lives of others. They give others hope.

While we need to know what the Bible says about sin, we need to remember the Bible is a book about hope. Jesus is our hope.

Inspiring devotion in others is built on the ability of leaders to provide hope.

The charisma of spiritual leaders is directly related to this ability. Pride, insecurity, and cynicism destroy the ability to lead others to this hope.