Tag: Leadership

Catch 22 Leadership

Leaders often feel as if they are being shot at from both sides, in front and from behind.

How many times have leaders faced situations that no matter what decision was made they were condemned? We call this Catch 22 Leadership.

Leaders must be decisive, and they will always have to fight the enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Pray with and for your leaders.
Always speak well of leaders to others.
Make it a habit to build them up publicly.
When a problem arises, speak to leaders privately.
Encourage those who are godly to lead.

Skin in the Game

When an individual has “skin in the game” there is a level of commitment that moves one to greater action in achieving the desired result.

Skin in the game might involve money, time, ability, or even life itself. When a leader knows they must be invested, their commitment increases because failing to accomplish the goal will cost them something.

David understood this need as he offered sacrifice to God in 2 Samuel 24:24. He would not offer God anything that did not cost him something.

Leadership will cost us something. What we must recognize is that with God, it is worth the investment.

A Leader Worth Following

As leaders, several questions are important to consider regarding principles.

1) Why should we have principles to govern behavior?
2) What rule or belief governs our personal behavior?
3) Do we have a rule or belief in place for this purpose?
4) Are these rules or beliefs based on humanistic or biblical foundations?
5) Will others see consistency between our principles and behavior?

A life lived by biblical principles will always influence others. Consistently living by our principles directly connects to the integrity needed for powerful leadership.

When leaders answer these questions in relationship to principles and behavior, the steps to harmonize them develops a leader worth following.

A True Leader

Douglas MacArthur was known for his leadership, especially during the time of World War II.

He once said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

Leaders need confidence in God and His power that works within us.
Leaders must choose courage when needed most.
Leaders must demonstrate the Christlike quality of compassion.
Leaders must be characterized by consistency.
Leaders must learn to walk with integrity.

In the Middle

Endurance is never needed when life is good. We need endurance when life does not measure up to our expectations.

During those difficult times, we experience a range of emotions and thoughts. We often consider how to abandon ship. We begin to think that if we could just quit, somehow everything would return to normal or get better. However, you and I both know it does not work that way.

Although the author is unknown, this interesting thought was expressed, “The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson. Don’t give up in the middle!”

The point is simple: Endure.

Optimistic Leaders

Optimism includes hope and confidence about the future or outcome.

The contrast between leaders who are optimistic and those who are not can be associated with age and experience. Encountering negative experiences in life often hinders optimistic leadership.

How do leaders keep hope and confidence alive?

1) Remember, “everyone” is not against you.
2) Stop trying to live in or change the past.
3) Surround yourself with optimistic people.
4) Be realistic about personal expectations.
5) Learn to accept who you are as a person.
6) Express gratitude for what you have.
7) Reflect often on the positive areas of life.

Try it and see how contagious it becomes.

Choice of Leadership

When we question our leadership, consideration should be given to the followers. Have we really considered where others will end up when they follow our leadership?

The choices include the following and similar ideas:

1) Closer to, or further away from God…
2) More spiritually, or more worldly focused…
3) Stronger, or weaker in faith…
4) Growing, or declining in knowledge of God’s word…

There are many more possibilities, but the point is the same. Our leadership should be important enough to consider the destination followers will reach by following.

Be willing to blaze the type of trail that when others follow they will end up in heaven.


Substance involves a quality of being important, valid, or significant. Simply stated, substance is the stuff that makes up leadership.

What is the substance that makes up the character of our leadership? Integrity? Work ethic? Honesty?

Is there something significant that stands out giving credibility to our leadership substance?

Can others see the substance of our leadership?

The substance of spiritual leadership must not be ego-centric, but people-centric. The quality that validates the importance of leadership is not built upon I, but you. The substance of great leadership uses we.

As important and needed as leadership is today, it is worth our time to focus on the substance.

Technological Leadership

Technology has changed the way we communicate, and it has affected avenues of leadership.

The development of technology is not backing off in the direction of the future, and it influences all of life.

Therefore, leaders need to learn how to best use technology in ways that assist their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists.
Second, be open to and take time to learn.
Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged.
Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

If we will use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom.

Test of Character

John W. Holt, Jr. said, “The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do.”

Testing one’s character is powerful and needed.

The main thought here is specifically about how leaders behave when they don’t know what to do.

The qualities of patience, understanding, thoughtful reflection, and being cautious are important. Rashly made decisions without the proper foundation often result in serious consequences which could be avoided.

Learning to seek the counsel of others who have walked the same paths can open leaders up to greater wisdom, possible alternatives, and new angles of consideration.