Tag: Leadership

Developing Leaders

Confidence. Courage. Compassion. Integrity. Each of these qualities are a vital part of developing the type of leaders needed today.

Douglass MacArthur said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

If leaders today will demonstrate the type of qualities identified and the integrity to stand behind those qualities, their leadership will always stand strong and point others to the God who brought them to this position.

Finding Answers

When I observe my children and grandchildren, I understand the idea of looking for and awaiting answers related to trials experienced in life.

Fear, anxiety, and frustration can take control quickly. How can we eliminate these concerns and find the needed answers during such times?

Where do leaders go to find answers when adversity occurs, questions arise?

Leadership involves providing guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and knowing how to give answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety and frustration. Where can a leader go to find the answers?

Listen to God’s word.
Seek counsel.
Learn the value of trust.
Admit mistakes.
Never miss the opportunity to grow.

When A Leader Fails

I have been fascinated with a number of quotes and principles regarding leadership and what happens when leaders fail to be trustworthy.

One primary thought expressed by John Maxwell, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”

On more than one occasion I have heard various news reporters express the idea of accountability. Specifically, one analyst expressed that what leaders need to do when mistakes are made is to confess the mistake, take responsibility, and let the chips fall where they may.

What happens when leaders fail?

Leaders will experience failure and make mistakes. How leaders strategically maneuver during these times determines the level of trust from those who follow.

Lead With A Map

Where are we going? Do we know? What will we need to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

When traveling, we need a map––at least a plan––to reach our destination in a proper amount of time.

Physically, we make application of this daily. The spiritual approach is no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We are anticipating the arrival, but do we know what we need to get there?

Since our destination is heaven, the map––plan––God has provided is laid out in the pages of His word.

Surviving Discouragement

Leadership will always suffer times where difficulties create discouragement. How do leaders survive these times and grow stronger as leaders?

Here a few suggestions to consider.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Knowing adversity will come helps to prepare.

Focus on an area of expertise. We might phrase it more accurately, “One at a time.”

Learn the value of walking away. There are times when taking a break helps.

Seek counsel with other survivors. The experience of others can provide encouragement.

Remember to seek the good in all situations. Sometimes easier said than done, but helpful.

Learning how to survive when adversity exists makes leaders stronger.

Measuring Our Leadership

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” Andrew Carnegie

One truth about leadership is “everyone is watching.” Children watch. Our spouse watches. Believe it or not, coworkers watch. Neighbors, friends, extended family, the world, they all watch.

Yes, they listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and then measure. How does our leadership measure up?

If God were to take a measurement of how we lead His people today, how would we measure up?

While it is true others watch us, remember God also watches. Will we measure up?

How Will We Lead?

How will we lead…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they possess.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus.

Our friends? The development of a spiritual focus, thoughts of relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life.

Considering their future is worth giving thought to how we will lead.

THE Last Word

Admit it. We often feel the need to have the last word? What does it really mean? Does it provide any real benefit to our relationships?

When spiritual leadership is at stake, there is a need to understand who, or perhaps what, should have the last word.

Of course I am talking about THE last word, the word of God.

Many disregard it, neglect it, avoid it, abuse it, change it, and rewrite it, but God’s word remains the source to help us lead others.

If we always use “THE last word” in our leadership, we will always change the lives of those who follow.


Friendship is a beautiful relationship of mutual trust and support.

A relationship of mutual trust and support between two people is unmatched.

Leadership is not always seen from the perspective of friendship. Leadership is often accompanied by loneliness and seen as a lonely position. We often hear the idea expressed, “It’s lonely at the top.”

While this may be true in many corporate or political settings, it does not have to be true in every situation.

When leaders develop relationships of mutual trust and support, the friendships that blossom provide a source of strength and encouragement for addressing all challenges.

Identifying the Unlikely

Identifying the unlikely can be subjective to each individual. However we identify the unlikely, the need is evident when it comes to our leadership. Where should we start?

They live everywhere, but often have nowhere to live.
They have nothing to give, yet often give all they have to help someone else.
They scrape by with little hope, yet hope is often all they have to scrape by.

We must look for ways to give hope of a life that is better now and in the future.

We must provide genuine friendship without ulterior motives, where we develop an intimacy that goes beyond the surface.