Tag: Leadership

Spiritual Growth

How can we measure spiritual growth? The most common answer is an increase in Bible knowledge. This is why we are pushed to spend more time studying our Bibles.

Without a doubt, we need to grow in our knowledge of God’s word. However, knowledge of God’s word alone does not equate to spiritual growth, and we all know it’s true.

Measuring or determining spiritual growth / health, occurs on the battle field of application.

Leaders must find ways that bridge the gap from the first century writing of God’s word into the twenty-first century life. The task is not easy.


Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders especially appreciate the need to make the proper plans to reach established goals.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to reach our goals.

How vital is it we have plans? There is an old adage used by several that says, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need short and long-term goals. The same is true at every corporate level. How we plan to reach our goals makes a difference.

Once we set up goals, let us sit down and establish the details of a proper plan to ensure success.


Understanding teamwork and training as a team is obviously significant to the overall success of the group. However, there are some “do’s and don’ts” to fully comprehend training as a team.

Training and working as a team does not place everyone in an equal position. There are specific roles each member has for the unit to function properly.

Training and working as a team does place everyone on the same page. When a unit works as a team, the goals are communicated and understood.

Training as a team has great advantages for any organization. When we work together, each fulfilling our necessary roles, everyone wins.

Seize the Day

People often need a specific day to work on changes in their life. Some start working on better habits in life and others find ways to stop bad ones.

Recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Is today a new beginning to lead a…

Soul to the light of our Savior?
Straying brother or sister to the family of God?
Deeper study into the truths of God’s word?
More passionate approach to speak with God in prayer?

Whatever the need, every day is a new beginning. Let us achieve spiritual leadership for our Lord in this day.

Physical and Spiritual

We need to take care of our physical health. Instead of a fad diet, be moderate. Learn to not eat beyond comfort. Add exercise. This is not a push to be in the gym five times a week, but taking small steps. Why not park further from the store and walk? Twenty to thirty minutes a day of brisk walking will bring surprising results.

Nothing takes greater precedence than our spiritual health. This is not about reading and praying more. Obviously, we all need to do so. However, spiritual health involves application of what is written. Instead of speaking in anger, think of the song “Angry Words.”

A Leader’s Golden Rule

Several variations of the “Golden Rule” are commonly known. It might be “do unto others as they have done unto you,” or “do unto others before they do unto you.”

However, Jesus said “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

How do we want to be treated as a leader? With respect, understanding, love, appreciation, patience, etc.? If this is how we want to be treated, Jesus would tell us to treat others this way first!

If we are not careful, it is easy to react, instead of acting as we should. We must also be careful to guard against overreacting.

Informing Others

The challenge to leadership exists when there is a lack of communication.

When leaders do not keep others informed, people grow suspicious, begin to distrust leaders, doubt a leaders ability, and become anxious.

However, when leaders keep others informed, great things can happen.

What kind of information needs to be provided?

Inform others why changes are being made.
Inform others of the plans for the change.
Inform others of who will be needed to accomplish the change.
Inform others of challenges / or hindrances facing the plans.
Inform others of the needs.

When leaders communicate / inform others, trustworthy and loyal relationships develop. It is time for God’s leaders to lead.

Global Leadership

How does the word global have a place in leadership?

The influence of one person can move a nation, lead an army, direct a revolution, carve out a place in history, or change the life of one person.

We far too often underestimate what can be done with the influence we have on the circle of people we meet on a daily basis.

Instead of thinking how can we do something revolutionary, why not think of changing the life of one person. Who knows how God may be working through the person we influence to make a global difference.

When Jesus Prayed

When Jesus prayed…

He anticipated returning to the Father, glorifying the One who sent Him.

He asked for protection over those given to Him, entrusted with the task of continuing the work.

He added a request for unity among all who would believe in Him through their word.

He addressed the problem of the world’s lack of knowing the Creator and the One sent by Him.

Imagine the difference that could be made in the world today if leaders spent time focused on praying for these four areas.


In our lifetime we will make millions of decisions. Most of these decisions come with little or no consequential value. Obviously, we know some decisions carry major consequences: who one marries, where they live, having children, and a career are a few.

How powerful is it to realize each day provides an opportunity to make the right choices?

No leader is exempt from making wrong decisions. The key is how we handle ourselves when the wrong decisions are made and how we approach making the right ones in the future.