Tag: Leadership

Abnormal Spiritual Leaders

Normal in one culture will certainly be different in another culture. As well, normal in the mind of a child will not be normal in the mind of an adult.

Regardless of how we might think about a normal life, there is nothing normal about spiritual leadership.

Spiritual leaders…

are concerned about the nature of their influence.
live consistently with what they believe.
know the mission.
work for a cause far greater than themselves.
share the planning and development of the goals.
produces results that glorify God and fulfill His will.

Look at how the first word of each thought develops a spiritual leader.

Improving Our Leadership

Leaders know who they are and always seek improvement.

One of the most challenging areas in our leadership involves an honest self-examination. Seeking to improve ourselves in leadership is vital to success.

One of the ways to accomplish this improvement is through asking some difficult questions.

Do we really want to be a leader?
What is the motivation behind our desire to lead?
Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifices to lead effectively?
Will we commit to the task of continually developing our abilities to lead?

The answers provide a foundation to help us know who we are and our approach to improving our leadership.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?

Knowledge, Understanding, Experience

Knowledge often highlights knowing facts or information.

Understanding includes factual information, but it carries meaning and application.

Experience takes on sharing in the same events or activities in order to gain full comprehension.

Paul wanted to know more than facts about Jesus. He wanted more than an understanding of what those facts meant and how they applied. He wanted to know Christ on the basis of experience.

The privilege of going through what Jesus experienced, “the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,” meant more than book knowledge.

Imagine a leadership based on this knowledge, understanding, and experience.

Improving Your Leadership

Leaders understand the necessity of growing, improving who they are and all they do. They understand that leading others assumes a responsibility that demands growth.

While certain choices are made one time for all time, other choices require a daily commitment to achieve. For leaders to become better in who they are and what they do, deciding daily to improve goes far in achieving results.

Be decisive. It is about a decision to move beyond the present circumstances.

To remain neutral only supports stagnation and ultimately failure. Leaders know the dangers and seek to avoid such an outcome. Challenge yourself to get better.

Expecting the Unexpected

Have you ever made plans that excited you? Did you prepare and eagerly anticipate that very moment? Did something unexpected happen, only to prevent you from fulfilling your plans?

How can you deal with these situations?

Expected the unexpected.
Know there will be times when the unexpected happens.

Never go it alone. Seek help from those who have traveled the path before.

Prepare a back up plan for use…always. The key is to “prepare.” Have a plan ready!

Trust in a positive result. When we put it and leave it in God’s hands, the desired intent will come.

A hard lesson, but when learned, rarely will you be surprised.

Passing the Torch

The older I get the more I find myself realizing how temporary life is on earth. It becomes increasingly important to consider my replacement.

No one likes to think about death, but someone must carry on without us. I am not trying to be depressing. However, we need to pass the torch, but to whom?

There is a necessity of preparing men to shepherd the Lord’s church, fill pulpits, and train teachers to lay the foundation for the future of our children.

It is all about passing the torch. Who will replace you? To whom will you pass the torch?


Temperance avoids excesses, especially areas that distract us from a godly life.

What makes temperance important to the Christian life?

Answers range from one person to the next, but the fact remains that Paul and Peter identify the need for Christians to grow in temperance.

Consider how the definition factors into leadership. A lack of temperance indicates the potential of participating to excess in areas that destroy the godly influence leaders need.

Growing in temperance indicates a life of balance. Leaders with temperance understand limits, specifically limits established by God to protect us physically and spiritually.

Knowing God

God’s people rejected a knowledge of God, His law, statutes, and commandments. Every time this occurred they were punished.

Jesus claimed that eternal life was based on knowing God and knowing the One sent by Him, Jn. 17:3. Peter reminds us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ,” 2 Pet. 3:18. One of the most significant references about knowing God was written by Paul to the church at Philippi, Phil. 3:7-11.

Spiritual leadership is built on the foundation of knowing God. While I cannot fully address every area related to the subject, this lifelong journey challenges us to focus on that goal.

Finding Value

The world finds meaning, value, and purpose in what we do (success, acts of kindness or generosity, etc.), what others think or say about us, and what we have (health, good family, material possessions, etc.).

The challenge is recognizing the balance of thinking too highly or too lowly of ourselves. We need proper perspective.

Our value comes from God. We were created in His image. We are His beloved. When we understand this, we will stop looking for value from any other source.

Leadership requires an ability to find the right perspective on self-value, but also to help others gain the needed perspective of their own value.