Tag: Leadership


An analysis involves a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, described by words such as: examination, investigation, survey, exploration, inspection, evaluation, research, and probe.

Concerning leadership, analysis is most closely associated with evaluation. An analysis of the program assists leaders in determining key components in the development of the work and strategies for achievement, along with building on the little victories to celebrate success on the way to the goal(s).

Leaders need to analyze every component when preparing for each level of the plan: beginning, middle, and end.

The Promise of Leadership

I once heard someone say, “Never make a promise you do not intend to keep.” This is true in every area of life, especially leadership.

The word promise is used throughout scripture. Peter referred to the benefits of obeying the gospel as a “promise for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

Because of God’s promise, our spiritual leadership has purpose. We are leading souls to Christ to receive a promise made by God, an eternal promise worth giving and living our life to receive.

A Leadership Environment

The influence of our environment is interesting and challenging. On one hand, the work environment we choose can provide encouragement and opportunities for stepping up to greater success.

On the other hand, our choice can shackle growth. Instead of spreading our wings and soaring to new heights of development, we are hindered from moving into areas that promote progress.

W. Clement Stone said, “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success – or are they holding you back?”

Choose wisely.

Finding Our Strength (Part 2)

Where does the strength we need come from when we find ourselves in difficult times? Consider two possibilities.

1) Find a way to express your feelings and share the burden with someone. One of the most helpful avenues to find strength is through expression, which can take numerous forms: writing, singing, talking, physical activity, and more.

2) Remember God’s goodness and trust He knows our plight. An area that provides strength is memory. The ability to remember is a precious gift. While we often remember the negative side of life, we also remember God’s providential blessings. He will see us through.

Finding Our Strength (Part 1)

When the depths of discouragement engulf us, we seek the strength to endure and make the right decisions.

The answer is not always about knowing what scripture says, because simply knowing scripture does not help when the heart is in a dark place.

Likewise, it is not always about surrounding ourselves with friends because friends provide little comfort when our desire is to be alone.

Where does the strength come from when we face difficult times? How can we pull everything together to move forward?

Please read tomorrow’s post as I will discuss two possibilities.


Perseverance is a needed quality, certainly among leaders. The ability to hold on just a little longer is not always pleasant or easy.

What steps can help leaders grow in their ability to persevere?

1) Speak to God. Going to God always makes the difference.

2) Stay positive. Remembering our ability to succeed helps maintain a positive mindset.

3) Set short- and long-term goals. Success in the short-term builds confidence for the long-term.

4) Start small and build up. Each victory encourages greater success in higher matters.

5) See beyond present circumstances. Take a moment to look beyond and consider the ultimate end.


Integrity goes beyond just being honest. It involves having strong moral principles and uprightness.

In Psalm 15 we learn the necessity of walking with integrity if we are to dwell on God’s holy hill. Walking indicates a lifestyle characterized by integrity.

There is an incorruptible nature to a spiritual leader who demonstrates integrity. They take responsibility for who they are, what they say, and what they do.

Walking with integrity involves an undivided and unshakeable character of Biblical soundness. This character is built in humility and follows a path of consistency.

Integrity stands for truth, speaks truth, lives the truth and will not change, even if it must do so alone.

Finishing Well

Spiritual leadership faces many challenges which can and will be overwhelming. These challenges can distract and discourage you. How can you finish well?

Determine the priorities. Discouragement leads to quitting. Know what is worth dying for and give yourself to it.

Work hard. Several years ago the Mumford & Son’s band shared the secret to their success. The point was a simple, but powerful truth. They work hard.

Keep your eye on the goal. Challenges bring distractions. Peter encouraged Christians facing persecution to keep their focus on the goal.

Finishing well is just as vital as beginning well.

Tone, Pace, and Volume

I once asked a group of men about how to improve communication as leaders. While I received several responses, one that resonated well with me involved three words: Tone, Pace, and Volume.

The tone we use to communicate impacts the attitude with which our message is received.

The pace of our communication determines the level in which it is understood.

The volume we use to communicate influences how well the message is accepted.

It is worth the time and effort to ensure that the tone, pace, and volume used to communicate our message is appropriate for positive reception, understanding, and acceptance.

Who, How, and Why

Three significant questions surface in your leadership.

First, “Who are you trying to reach?” Churches often talk about trying to reach their communities, but rarely are they willing to take the necessary steps to do so. The answer here makes a difference in the direction and steps taken in the next question.

Second, “How will you reach them?” It may take specific marketing technique, extra time in the community, developing stronger relationships, financial means, or additional people. You must be willing to do whatever it takes.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, “Why are you doing this?” If you can’t answer this question with certainty and clarity, people will not follow long.