Tag: Leadership

Encouraging Words

We cannot measure the impact of an encouraging word spoken at the right time. Yet, we can see the fruit born in the lives of those who receive it.

People need hope. They want to know they can overcome the obstacles encountered on this journey through life.

People want to know they are loved. Communicating in a language they understand takes many forms, but one that always carries weight is a word of encouragement.

Take a moment each day to write a note, make a call, or stop and speak to someone who can use a little encouragement and watch the difference it makes.

Future of Leadership

While growing up it was common to hear, “Son, when I was your age I used to…” The idea spoke of fond memories from the past. Do you remember the good ole’ days?

We may look to the past with regret over words or actions, or we may look with hope to greater opportunities for the future.

Leadership is not about the past, but the future. Leaders do not lead people where they have been, but where they need to go.

Do not allow the past to dictate direction. Acknowledge it. Learn from it. Leave it where it is, and focus on the future.

God’s Narrative

A narrative is a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims or values.

This definition reflects a connection of our leadership within the sphere of God’s overarching aims and values.

Our narrative is written within the greater narrative of God, His design and purpose for our lives.

When we connect these events and see the providential working of God throughout the activities of our life, we understand more fully the need to plug in, and allow God to work through us for His greater purpose.


The writer of Hebrews highlights the faith of Abraham (He. 11:8-10, 17-19), and Paul uses Abraham’s faith as an example of how our faith is credited as
righteousness (Ro. 4).

The key to Abraham’s faith is the statement, “…with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith…being fully assured that what God has promised, He was able also to perform” (Ro. 4:20-21).

The example of an unwavering faith points to our confidence and relationship with God. Doubt is eliminated and certainty in God’s promise is promoted.

Learning In Community

Few times are more exciting than sitting around a table with others to collaborate ideas. Discussing and planning every area of life serves to improve leadership.

These times provide inspiration by gleaning from the wisdom and experience of those closest to us. Here we find guidance from others who care most for us. They desire to see us succeed.

Spiritually, few opportunities are more important than to examine ways to strengthen the church and lead others to a greater hope.

The change in life that makes the greatest difference in who we are and what we do is born from the benefits of what is learned in community.

Navigating Rough Waters

No one likes leading during difficult times. No one seeks out rough waters to practice their leadership. For some, rough waters always seem to find them.

The true test of leadership occurs in these moments. They define who we are as a leader and the type of leader we become. What will help us navigate these waters?

Remember who we are at the core. Nothing should change our core values.

Trust in wise counsel. Others have sailed rough waters before us. Seek their counsel.

Be slow, diligent, and deliberate.
Defeat comes when we act before thinking and are slow to execute.

Morning Energy Boost

What gets you up and going in the mornings? Is it a 5 Hour Energy shot? Coffee? Exercise?

We all need a pick-me-up.

The challenge is learning what will provide it.

Start the day in prayer. Nothing helps the spirit more than talking to the Father. Speak from the heart. He is listening.

Follow up with listening. Amazingly, listening to what He has to say also provides a boost. David meditated on God’s word.

Help someone else. Few activities lift the spirit more than helping someone else. As we lift up others, our own spirit is lifted up.

Assessing Leadership Growth

How can leadership be accurately assessed for growth?

It is hard to determine a more difficult question to answer, but here are a few possible suggestions.

First, consider the activity of those who follow. If there is no activity, then our leadership may not be growing. Growth can be measured by application.

Second, examine carefully responses given in feedback. Positive and negative feedback have a powerful place when assessing our development.

Third, find a mentor. The value of having someone examine the growth and advancement of leadership is immeasurable.

Leadership development is critical to the growth of any organization.

Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!!

from the entire Sunset Family

A Matter of Learning

We learn by observation, teaching, personal study, and experience.

We learn from teachers with academic credentials and others who simply have experience.

Learning is not the issue. We learn something everyday. We cannot help it and we cannot resist it. Everything we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our nose, and feel with our hands creates a learning situation.

However, the importance of what we learn really makes the difference.

Learning matters that are spiritual in nature provides a foundation for lasting leadership. When considering the importance of learning, remember it is what we learn that carries the greatest importance.